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Psychological Approach To Personal Identity Essay

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. Psychological Approach To Personal Identity Essay

In philosophy[ edit ] An essence characterizes a substance or a formin the sense of the forms and ideas in Platonic idealism. It is permanent, unalterable, and eternal, and is present in every possible world. Classical humanism has an essentialist conception of the human, in its endorsement of the notion of an eternal and unchangeable human nature.

Psychological Approach To Personal Identity Essay

This has been criticized by KierkegaardMarxHeideggerSartreand many other existential and materialist thinkers. In Plato 's philosophy in particular, the Timaeus and the Philebusthings were said to come into being by the action of a demiurge who works to form chaos into ordered entities. Many definitions of essence hark back to the ancient Greek hylomorphic understanding of the formation of the things. According to that account, the structure and real existence of any thing can be understood by analogy Criminal Rehabilitation Essay an artefact produced by a craftsperson.

The craftsperson requires hyle timber or wood and a model, plan or idea in their own mind, according to which the wood is worked to give it the indicated contour Psychological Approach To Personal Identity Essay form morphe. Aristotle was the first to use the terms hyle and morphe. According Appproach his explanationall entities have two aspects: "matter" and "form". It is the particular form imposed sPychological gives some matter its identity—its quiddity or "whatness" i.

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Plato was one of the first essentialists, postulating the concept of ideal forms—an abstract entity of which individual objects are mere facsimiles. To give an example: the ideal form of a circle is a perfect circle, something that is physically impossible to make manifest; yet the circles we draw and observe clearly have some idea in common—the ideal form. Plato proposed that these ideas are eternal and vastly superior to their manifestations, and that we understand these manifestations in the material world by comparing and relating them to their respective ideal form.

Plato's forms are regarded as patriarchs to essentialist dogma simply because they are a case of what is intrinsic and a-contextual of objects—the abstract properties that makes them what they are.

Psychological Approach To Personal Identity Essay

For more on forms, read Plato's parable of the cave. Karl Popper splits the ambiguous term realism into essentialism and realism.]

Psychological Approach To Personal Identity Essay

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