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Pros And Cons Of Zoos

Pros And Cons Of Zoos - useful message

The debate is from people not wanting zoos and some people liking zoos, many people don't want zoos because the animals may not be healthy, but some people like zoos because they are healthy. It has been an issue since the first zoo was opened. Many people are for and against it. I think that there are many pros and cons to having them in captivity. It is almost impossible.

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Pro 1 The speed and ubiquity of the internet is different from previous breakthrough technologies and is reprogramming our brains for the worse. The internet has reduced our ability Conx focus; changed how our memory functions; promoted skimming text over deep, critical reading which, in turn, promotes dangerously false information ; and changed how we interact with people.

We become less reflective and more impulsive. Far from enhancing human intelligence, I argue, the Internet degrades it.

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In the absence of that emotional connection and healthy recreational time use, this media engagement can become a bad substitute. The memes become the hobby. The Facebook bickering supplants the relationships. The brain breaks.

Pros And Cons Of Zoos

Pro 2 IQ scores have been falling for decades, coinciding with the rise of technologies, including the internet. For the majority of the 20th century, IQ scores rose an average of three points per decade, which is called the Flynn effect after James R. Flynn, a New Zealand intelligence researcher. Flynn believed this constant increase of IQ was related to better nutrition and increased access to education.

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What we know is that the youth culture is more visually oriented around computer games than they are in terms of Oc and holding conversations. Our functional IQ drops 10 points as we are distracted by multiple browser tabs, email, a chat app, a video of puppies, and a text document, not to mention everything open on our tablets and smartphones, while listening to smart speakers and waiting on a video call.

Pros And Cons Of Zoos

Not only can we not process all of these functions at once, but trying to do so degrades our performance in each. Trying to complete two tasks at the same time takes three to four times as long, each switch between tasks adds 20 to 25 seconds, and the effect magnifies with each new task. The internet has destroyed our ability to focus on and satisfactorily complete one task at a time.]

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