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Personal Narrative: My Experience With Penn Foster Personal Narrative: My Experience With Penn Foster

Transcription Max: Alright, well, Dr. Mendenhall, thank you so much for taking the time today.

Foster Care

It's a pleasure to meet you. Mendenhall: I'm happy to talk. Max: I'm really excited to have this dialogue with you because obviously right now, it's a difficult time for many as the pandemic goes on for months. And so I just wanted to open this conversation by asking you just generally, what does living healthy mean to you, and how has that changed, if at all, during the pandemic?

Mendenhall: Well, I think that that question in and of itself is a very complicated one, because humans are complex creatures.

Personal Narrative: My Experience With Penn Foster

If you look at a lot of current evolutions and health care, there have been developments in what we call integrated care or collaborative care, which means that instead of having different disciplines separate from each other across primary care, secondary care, tertiary care, other types of care that don't really fit in those boxes, mental health, physical health, I mean there's a number of ways to divide it up, is that we probably shouldn't divide it up.

And what the models of biopsychosocial health or biopsychosocial-spiritual health, and they're separate, because a lot of times people are more or less comfortable considering spirituality, and those models are much more holistic. And so answering the question, what does living healthy mean to you, we need Narrativf: connect all of those dots.

Personal Narrative: My Experience With Penn Foster

I mean, we are biopsychosocial and I would argue, spiritual creatures. Whether you identify with a religion or faith, most humans, according to most research, says, at least during times of distress, we usually will look to or engage with some kind of faith or larger spiritual system too. So biopsychosocial-spiritual creatures are healthy, when all of those things are in-tune and imbalance.

Personal Narrative: My Experience With Penn Foster

And when we're not doing well, a lot of times those things are out of tune or out of balance. And if you pick any healthcare problem, because most health care looks at problems first, you know, you don't get your insurance companies to prevent stuff, you get them to repair stuff, right?]

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