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Organic Farming Research Paper Organic Farming Research Paper Organic Farming Research Paper

Descriptive Statistics of read more Tree Variables Summary of the data Researcb descriptive statistical analysis to evaluate the relationships among the biodiversity and growth variables of the three sampled agroecological zones. Organic Farming Research Paper analysis of all variables of parkland trees in the studied three agroecological zones were undertaken in R programming 3. Results 4. Variable Indices of Tree Biodiversity The population status of trees for each of the agroecological zones sampled is presented in Table 1. A total of individuals belonging to 19 species and 11 families were encountered across studied agroecological zones.

Sudan savannah had two more species varieties and family of trees than the two sampled Guinea savannah zones.

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The tree species diversity index of all zones ranged from 1. Similarly, the species evenness is also pronounced in the NGS 0. The trees biodiversity at the transitional zone exhibited Farmihg and diversity that are not different Table 1. Biodiversity indices of the trees sampled across three agroecological zones.

Organic Farming Research Paper

Parkia biglobosa had the highest RD among the tree species across the studied AEZs, accounting to Other tree species like Vitellaria paradoxa It was also observed that species classified as low densities are rare across the agroecological landscapes. There is a distinct variability in the species relative Organjc among the studied agroecological zones.

Organic Farming Research Paper

Sudan savannah had the highest variability, ranging from 0. Parkia biglobosa still remain the most dominant parkland species across the three zones, having between This is establishing the fact that tree species most preferred by Organic Farming Research Paper communities are densely populated on the farm plots across the zones. However, there is low relative dominance of Vitellaria paradoxa 1. The highest value for a parkland species in any zone suggests Papdr the species is dominant on the agricultural landscape.

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On the species with the lowest IVI, Eucalyptus camaldulensis 1. Furthermore, Eucalyptus camadulensis value almost doubled as the agrobiodiversity gradient shifts northward across the AEZs, SS fields had more IVI for the tree species than the other two zones.

The abundance status of tree species across the AEZ encountered is same ]

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