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Medication Error

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Looking for more information about SupportLinc? Contact us at anytime, around the clock. But they can also be dangerous. A landmark study sponsored by the Institute of Medicine IOM estimated that medical errors in hospitals kill between 44, and 98, Americans each year. Approximately 7, of these deaths are due to errors in medications. Medication Error

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Medication Error

Search for: Subcategories: Consumer Issues Medication Error, Home Safety and Security In an ideal world, doctors would always prescribe the right drugs, pharmacists would Medicatjon mess up orders, and patients would always carefully follow the instructions on their medicine bottles. In the real world, people sometimes make mistakes. And when it comes to medicine, mistakes can be dangerous.

Medication Error

According to a report from the Institute of Medicine, 1. Many hospitals, doctors, and pharmacies have dedicated themselves to taking the mistakes out of medicine.

Filing a Medical Malpractice Claim

How to protect yourself First and foremost, make sure you understand all the instructions on your medications and follow them to the letter. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about any instructions that are the slightest bit unclear, and ask about interactions. Some drugs will interact with other drugs or even with foods or herbs.

Give your healthcare providers a list of Medication Error drug you take, including herbal remedies or over-the-counter products like aspirin. This will greatly reduce the chance that a doctor will prescribe a drug that clashes with one of your other medications.

This could include an allergic reaction, often marked by wheezing, rashes, or hives. Know the potential side effects of each medication and what you Medication Error do if they occur. Keep a medicine calendar that lists the correct time and dosage for each medication. If appropriate, combine your medicine-taking with other routines such as eating lunch or brushing your teeth. Throw out drugs once their expiration have passed. Dont throw them down the Medication Error unless the drugs instructions say to.

Side Effects and Adverse Reactions

Otherwise they may end up in our water supply. Always keep medications in their original containers. Although it may seem practical to store a few prescription pills in an old vitamin bottle during your vacation, you might end up swallowing a drug here you meant to take a vitamin. Whenever you pick up a prescription, ask the pharmacist what the drug is for. Turn on Medication Error light when taking medications at night. When getting a prescription refilled, be alert for any sudden, unexpected changes. If the pills are a different color or shape or if the instructions have changed, double-check the Medication Error with your doctor or pharmacist. Keep the lines of communication open.

Medication Error

Share any questions or concerns with your doctor or pharmacist, and answer their questions as completely as possible. Proper Disposal of Prescription Drugs. February The Institute of Medicine. To err is human: Building a better health system. November, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Patient Fact Sheet: 20 tips to help prevent medical errors. February, Medication Error Institute for Safe Medication Practices. Be an informed consumer.]

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