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Max Webers Theory Of Sociology

Max Webers Theory Of Sociology - what

Hence, for Weber, authority and legitimation illustrate the ways in which different forms of society cohere and the different ways in which consensus is achieved. Three Types of Authority There are three types of authority according to Weber, namely, charismatic, traditional, rational-legal. Charismatic Authority Charismatic authority is an individualistic type of authority, which is based on the rule of some great figure or personality such as a prophet, warrior, or political demagogue. For Weber, charisma relies on the acceptance of the extraordinary and exceptional power of the leader. And according to Weber, legitimacy of the charismatic leader is based on the trust of the followers or the faith of the believers Traditional Authority Traditional authority is also based on the role of a dominant personality such as a monarch or patriarch. However, traditional authority differs from charismatic authority in that the position of this kind of authority is dependent on established order. Thus, traditional authority is legitimated by an established tradition and that consensus is based on what has always been, that is, the everyday routine as a norm of conduct. Rational-Legal Rational-Legal authority is a type of authority which is based on RULES, not rulers and obedience is not owed to a specific person but to the order. Here, authority is established through general rules, regulations and procedures. According to Weber, consensus here has rational grounds and legitimacy is based on the general belief in the formal correctness of such rules and those who enact them are considered legitimate authority. Max Webers Theory Of Sociology

Consider, that: Max Webers Theory Of Sociology

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Max Webers Theory Of Sociology Video

Biography of Max Weber, 19th century German sociologist and one of the founders of modern sociology

You need to be very careful about this. The short paragraph on Braver man and technology feels irrelevant and probably needs to be taken out.

Max Webers Theory Of Sociology

Some of the outside sources on the effects of recessions on hiring and wages feels out of place near the end of the paper and should likely be moved. In general, be careful with your writing, and making sure that your meanings are clear to the reader.

Max Weber and Kalleberg -Sociology Paper

Parts of this are quite strong. But you have sentences throughout your paper that are really difficult to get the meaning of. I think you could have a thesis statement that basically argues that the pandemic will have long-term repercussions for many college graduates, but that some are more vulnerable than others. College educations are necessary but not sufficient to secure a stable, middle-class income Draw on Sweet and Meiskins here, and maybe Kalleberg age of flexibility means that there are few stable, well-paying jobs for people without college degrees 2 Use some of your outside Max Webers Theory Of Sociology to argue that the pandemic will have repercussions for those students who are graduating soon3 Use the rest of the paper to argue that some groups will face additional burdens from this.

It might be females drawing on the weeks on gender? It might be students from less elite schools maybe drawing on Riviera and some news pieces that have discussed similar themes — see below for one link. It might be people of color. Whatever it is, this could really be the bulk of your paper.

Max Webers Theory Of Sociology

Additional Information This is not an accurate description of their piece. It means accurately describing Tehory ideas, and not misattributing ideas to them. Finally, many of your source are not sociology sources. See the paper guidelines for this. Most of your required number of sources should be from sociology journals. Covid is going to be hard on college graduates.

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Especially college graduates. Thesis statement needs to clear on. A lot of the sources are econ sources.

Max Webers Theory Of Sociology

Rest of the sources, sociology sources. Attached Files.]

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