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High School Gls Reflection Video

Goodbye: A Reflection on High School High School Gls Reflection High School Gls Reflection

Voiced by: Hitomi Nabatame [2] The happy-go-lucky main character of the story, Eriko gets good grades but is nevertheless quite clumsy and not at all athletically coordinated unless it is to escape the many perverts who often cross her path. She tends to be the main victim of the perverted actions accidental or not of Odagiri, though High School Gls Reflection occasionally uses this to blackmail him. Described a few times as "A nosy busybody", Eriko tends to go out of her way to find out people's problems.

High School Gls Reflection

She's also quite fickle. Eriko is frightened of injections. The two got off to a bad start, but found they had interests in common. Yuma has dyed blonde hair.

High School Gls Reflection

Yuma has made a career of being the school's best cheater, although she still gets bad grades. She has a younger sister, Momoka.

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Yuma often pairs up with Eriko, such as in Episode 2 and Episode 7. She is the most short-tempered of the group. Her bunches are something of a trademark, as Odagiri didn't recognize her from behind when she wore it in a bun. She tends to lack in prudence, and ever willing to have fun.

High School Gls Reflection

They are very close. Ayano is the ingenue of the group. She wears glasses and her hair in plaits, implying an innocent personality, though she has a vivid imagination which often leads to perverted fantasies as hinted in her eyecatch. By far the most dim-witted of the group, but out of all the main characters, she is the only one with a steady boyfriend Takanori Shimotakatani.]

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