Genetic Code Of Ethics Case Study Alzheimers - Custom Academic Help

Genetic Code Of Ethics Case Study Alzheimers

Genetic Code Of Ethics Case Study Alzheimers - message, matchless)))

All of the following are true about the nursing code of ethics except: 2. The nurse is assigned t The nurse fails to visit the client and does not request that another nurse visit the client. The client is later admitted to the hospital after taking the wrong dosage of medication. Which ethical concept does this situation reflect? A client is held down by the nurse and forced to have a nasogastric tube placed. Genetic Code Of Ethics Case Study Alzheimers.

ALS is a motor neuron diseasealso spelled "motor neurone disease", which is a group of neurological disorders that selectively affect motor neuronsthe cells that control voluntary muscles of the body. This form is called " bulbar -onset ALS". Here few people with ALS have symptoms that are limited to one spinal cord region for at least 12 to 24 months before spreading to a second region; these regional variants of ALS are associated with a better prognosis.

Genetic Code Of Ethics Case Study Alzheimers

Typical or "classical" ALS involves upper motor neurons in the brain, and lower motor neurons in the spinal cord. It is more common in males. Examples include flail arm syndrome, flail leg syndrome, and isolated bulbar ALS. Flail arm syndrome and flail Gendtic syndrome are often considered to be regional variants of PMA because they only involve lower motor neurons.

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Isolated bulbar ALS can involve upper or lower motor neurons. These regional variants of ALS cannot be diagnosed at the onset of symptoms; a failure of the disease to spread to other spinal cord regions for an extended period of time at least 12 months must be observed. Flail leg syndrome, also called leg amyotrophic diplegia, [b] is characterized by lower motor neuron damage in the lumbosacral spinal cord only, leading to gradual onset of weakness in the legs and Sutdy or absent reflexes. Isolated bulbar ALS is characterized by upper or lower motor neuron damage in the bulbar region only, leading to gradual onset of difficulty with speech dysarthria and swallowing dysphagia ; breathing respiration is generally preserved, at least initially.

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Individuals affected by the disorder may ultimately lose the ability to initiate and control all voluntary movement, [4] although bladder and bowel function and the extraocular muscles the muscles responsible for eye movement are usually spared [37] [c] until the final stages of the disease.

Other presenting symptoms include trouble swallowing or breathing, cramping, or stiffness of affected muscles; muscle weakness affecting an arm or a leg; or slurred and nasal speech. The parts of the body affected by early symptoms of ALS depend on which motor neurons in the body are damaged first. If the legs are affected first, people may experience awkwardness, tripping, or stumbling when walking or running; this is often marked by walking with a " dropped foot " that drags gently on the ground.


If the arms are affected first, they may experience difficulty with tasks requiring manual dexterity, such as buttoning a shirt, writing, or turning a key in a lock. Speech may become slurred, nasal in character, or quieter. There may be Genftic with swallowing and loss of tongue mobility.

A smaller proportion of people experience "respiratory-onset" ALS, where the intercostal muscles that support breathing are affected first. Symptoms of upper motor neuron involvement include tight and stiff muscles spasticity and exaggerated reflexes hyperreflexiaincluding an overactive gag reflex.

Genetic Code Of Ethics Case Study Alzheimers

An abnormal reflex commonly called Babinski's sign also indicates upper motor neuron damage. Symptoms of lower motor neuron degeneration include muscle weakness and atrophy, muscle cramps, and fleeting twitches of muscles that can be seen under the skin fasciculations. However, twitching is more of a side effect than a diagnostic symptom; it either occurs after or accompanies weakness and atrophy. Most people eventually are not able to walk or use their hands and arms, lose the ability to speak and swallow food and their own saliva, and begin to lose the ability to cough and to Stuy on their own.]

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