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Frederick Douglasss Effect On Slavery

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Frederick Douglasss Effect On Slavery 226
Frederick Douglasss Effect On Slavery

The Destruction of Dehumanization

These horrific encounters have been depicted through several sources that allow the audience to fully grasp the atrocity of slavery at its finest. For example, through Frederick Douglasss Effect On Slavery book The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass as well as the film 12 Years a Slave, the audience is able to develop a better understanding of the viewpoints of both the slaves and the slave holders. As a result, these perspectives add to the overall effectiveness of each piece and demonstrate how slavery is directly linked to dehumanization.

Therefore, it is evident that The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and 12 Years a Slave convey how slavery dehumanizes both the slave and the slave holder due to the affliction that is inflicted upon slaves in addition to the ruthless deameanour of slave owners.

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The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass embodies the blatant torture the slave owners inflict on their slaves through the perspective of the slaves. The idea that slaves are not worthy enough to be considered human is highly repetitive throughout this book. The slaves were mortified Douglasse feared their lives constantly.

Frederick Douglasss Effect On Slavery

This state of mind as exemplified by the slaves is what adds to the overall idea of dehumanization. This is because the audience is able to understand just how terrified the slaves were for their lives because they were constantly treated poorly.

Frederick Douglasss Effect On Slavery

The slaves were considered nothing less than a pulse to their owners. In addition to this, slavery dehumanized the slaves because of the treatment of their owners. By this, the slave owners do whatever they can in order to tear the slaves apart for anything they say or do. An example of this in The Narrative of the Life of Click Douglass is how the slave owners treat their horses with more care than the slaves. The horses were always the priority and they always ensured their safety. This reveals how they Frederick Douglasss Effect On Slavery congnant of their ruthless behavior toward slaves and made sure to treat the horses better than that.

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This example in the book is important because it conveys the extremity of how far the slave owners will go to make the slaves feel purposeless. Through both of these scenarios in the book, it is clear that the slaves are dehumanized as for they are treated horribly and are under psychological trauma. However, the book The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass not only shows the dehumanization of the slaves but the slave owners themselves. This is because the slave owners are brain-washed by slavery. By this, it is meant that they use their power in the Frederick Douglasss Effect On Slavery manner and that they tend to go out of control. Another important factor is that slave owners do not see anything wrong in what they are doing and they are hypnotized to brainwash their slaves into thinking they are meaningless.


An example of this in the story is how the slaves to ensure that they do not know any information about their family. In this case, the slave owners take the places of their family members and are seen as the parents. More importantly, Northup focuses on the how dehumanization is a result of slavery similarly to The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. The slaves were not considered worthy enough to have human characteristics. For example, in the movie, the slaves were not allowed to be educated, to make money, and experienced physical trauma.]

Frederick Douglasss Effect On Slavery

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