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Frank Stella Black Paintings - Minimalism - LittleArtTalks Frank Stella Essays

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Adlin, Jane. Vanities: Art of the Dressing Table. Agee, James. Many Are Called. Ainsworth, Maryan W. Bayer, Peter J. Boehm, Andrew Bolton, Sheila R. Canby, Iria Candela, John T. Doyle, Maryam Ekhtiar, Douglas S. Eklund, Alyce Englund, Helen C. Frank Stella Essays

Romanticism In It Happened One Night

It is an acrylic piece on canvas characterized by a mixture of curving and straight lines that interlock, vibrant colors, and an emphasis on the circle in the middle of the Frank Stella Essays. A huge quantity of negative space is present in the painting and the painting emits a smooth texture.

Frank Stella Essays

The painting is one hundred and eight inches squared, making it one of the largest paintings in the San Diego Art Museum. Its size projects itself on the viewer overwhelming them with its color and size.

Frank Stella Essays

I was drawn to this painting due to its simplistic design and vibrant colors that forces the viewer to keep looking. The painting attracted my attention and every time I Frank Stella Essays at it, I felt as if I found something new about it every As I continued to examine the painting its complexity continued to grow with every minute that I looked at it.

Also, the size of the painting was large compared to the others in the gallery immediately making me feel that the painting had more significance and prestige than the others Stdlla it.

Frank Stella Essays

The combination of the designs, the color and the size, overall made this painting an obvious choice for my research paper. Though he would never truly identify as a minimalist he was rewarded for his work in with the National Medal of Arts by Barrack Obama.]

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