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Examples Of Logical Reasoning Examples Of Logical Reasoning.

Logical essay examples

It is a commonplace fallacy in situations such as political debates where the debaters always try to make their case stronger and more persuasive to the audience. Furthermore, it is also known, among other names, as the fallacy of incomplete evidence, argument by selective observation, and the fallacy of exclusion.

Examples Of Logical Reasoning

What Is Cherry Picking? Cherry picking occurs when someone selects and presents only the evidence that supports their stance while ignoring the evidence that would contradict it.

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Its logical form goes as follows: Evidence X and Y Examples Of Logical Reasoning available. Evidence X supports the argument made by Person 1. Evidence X supports the counterargument made by Person 2. Therefore, Person 1 only presents evidence X. This logical fallacy frequently committed in various types of situations, from public debates to scientific research, and has major implications on how individuals present their claims, as well as on their reasoning process leading to their conclusions. Furthermore, it is a key factor why individuals tend to present, believe, and spread inaccurate or misleading information. Why It Occurs The typical reasons — which may be deliberate or accidental — why people fall prey to cherry picking include: They attempt to increase the strength of their claim in order to persuade others and gain support for their position.

Examples Of Logical Reasoning

They have an opinion or viewpoint they are emotionally attached to and want to defend it. Additionally, another important reason would be a cognitive bias called confirmation bias, which also described to be the mother of all biases due to its persistency and far-reaching effects, whereby people interpret and recall information so that it confirms their prior conclusions. It likely explains a large number of cases where people choose to pick desirable facts and overlook any conflicting ones. Consequently, many advertisement campaigns contain carefully picked evidence to illustrate the superiority of Examples Of Logical Reasoning brand or product.

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For example, if a company making oral hygiene products claims that 9 out of 10 dentists recommend their Examples Of Logical Reasoning, what about that one dentist who does not approve of them? What if the company had undertaken a survey that included, say dentists or more, and had published the results? Media Cherry picking is also extensively found in news media. Perhaps a most common instance is when a journalist presents one side of a story and dismisses the other side that challenges, if not disprove, the claims of the opposing side. As to any other person, its influence is especially strong to journalists when the news report or article involves a topic that is emotionally charged to them.]

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