Examples Of Idealism In Education - pinsoftek.com Custom Academic Help

Examples Of Idealism In Education Examples Of Idealism In Education

Idealism and Realism in the classroom

xEamples Idealism and Realism in the classroom First to understand our subject, we need to know what idealism and realism mean. Idealism is derived from the word ideal. Definitions of the word ideal include: a conception of something in its absolute perfection; one that is regarded as a standard or model of perfection or excellence. American Heritage Dictionary, Realism is derived from the word real. Definitions of the word real include: is not imaginary, fictional or pretended; actual.

Examples Of Idealism In Education

American Heritage Dictionary, From the idealist perspective, we hope to educate all students to the maximum level of their intellectual abilities. The purpose of this act is to provide all students with a high quality education. This will be accomplished by setting minimum academic standards and testing all children to ensure that they meet those standards. The Realists perspective is that not all students can achieve these goals.

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If the student does not put forth any effort in his school work, he will not learn the subject matter regardless of the quality of instruction. If he is sick, his attention will not be focused on his school work and he will not achieve.

Examples Of Idealism In Education

Unsupportive parents may not provide the student with the basic materials to complete assignments. The child may be a poor reader and so cannot understand complex questions and materials. In summary, idealism and realism provide checks and balances for one another.

Examples Of Idealism In Education

Education needs the lofty goals set forth by idealists, but it needs to be tempered and modified by realists in order to have goals that Examplrs reasonable and achievable. Both philosophies are necessary to ensure that education reaches for the clouds while keeping its feet grounded.

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