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Nursing Ethics Alcohol Consumption Essay Nursing Ethics Alcohol Consumption Essay In terms of underage drinking, a nurse can act in a public health manner that identifies circumstances and situations that make a population vulnerable, and take steps to either mitigate those circumstances or educate to prevent them in the first place. Instead, it works with a number of colleagues in various disciplines to support health issues. This would include teachers, school administrators, and members of the retail establishment that all might have an effect on underage drinking and the problems associated. Because nurses are advocates for health, they are often consulted by colleagues. In the reverse, nurses should network and advocate programs that seek to reduce situations that make a population vulnerable — in this case, the buying and selling of alcohol to the underage; restricting venues in which drinking might be allowed; and working with the community to provide an educational liaison. You can always request for revisions on your assignment might you feel like something has been omitted. You can also always select the top 10 writers for better quality on your papers. Secure Payment Systems We have secure payment systems for our clients. Essay On Underage Drinking.

Get your price When teens turn sixteen in the United Oj they start to drive. Parents teach their teens how to drive correctly and responsibly. There is a minimum six-month period when they will just have a permit so that way they can get use to drinking. Who says that it is not possible to do the same with alcohol.

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Even if not that, having it be introduced to teens through their parents would make such a difference. If someone was to try alcohol for the first at Essay On Underage Drinking party in college, they are likely to be peer pressured into drinking way more they can handle.

However, if introduced by their parents and shown how to drink responsibly would make it less likely for these teens to drink excessively. Along with it, they could be taught the effects of binge drinking, driving under more info influence, and many other problems that come from drinking irresponsibly. Similar to the AA program for people who have drinking problems, there should be a program that practices safe drinking to everyone. None of this would be possible if the drinking age would to be at the age of twenty-one. Going by the National Survey on Drug use and Health, driving under the influence was associated by age. The twenty-one to twenty-five-year-old age group had the highest number of drunk driving Essay On Underage Drinking at This number could easily be lowered if there were to be a program to introduced alcohol to these teens.

Underage Drinking Consequences

However, the percentage of drunk driving incidents among eighteen to twenty-year-old group was Just like the higher age, this could easily be lowered if there was program to introduce alcohol to them. If the program were to start will twenty-one-year-old, it would not be as effective. Most teens will start drinking while they are still in high school.

Essay On Underage Drinking

The programs would need to be able to reach out to these teens as well even if it meant that it is being taught to sixteen-year-olds before they go and try alcohol on their own with no actual knowledge of how it affects themselves. Giving these teens a program would really benefit not just for them put everyone else as well, and if the program were to be teaching these teens at a young age then the drinking should be lowered along with it. Why do people have the age urge to start drinking at young ages when the law says that it is not allowed until the age of twenty-one. Many teens start simply by peer pressure. They see one person doing it, so they want to try it as well. These Essay On Underage Drinking may go to a party and see their friends playing drinking games and get invited to play as well.

This could easily lead to these teens to get intoxicated. Sometimes after one experience of being intoxicated at a party, they enjoy so much that they want to try it again. For some teens in high school it is regular for them to go drinking with their friends every weekend and sometimes even during the week days. This may lead to many bad things upon them in their schooling and social life. Parents will often times drink in front of their children and seeing someone that they this web page up to drinking and having a good time. Social media plays a huge part in making teens want to drink as well. There Essay On Underage Drinking plenty of movies out there that show underage drinking, but they make it look fun.

They never show the dangerous part of drinking under the influence.

Essay On Underage Drinking

Some teens are just unhappy and look for an escape from reality, so drinking is how they get away from reality. Teens may also drink underage for the same fact of click here many adults smoke, to relieve stress. Taking tests, bullying, and pressure to excel in school can cause major stress to a teen. Some parents want their Essay On Underage Drinking to do great in school and nothing, which can be a hard standard to live by. These teens feel the stress coming down from their parents to make sure that Underahe do well in school. The stress may not be just from striving for good grades, but sports and academic groups as well.]

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