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Essay On Parkinson Disease Essay On Parkinson Disease

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Doug works as a regional sales representative Essay On Parkinson Disease a chemical company that produces plastics, chemicals, and agricultural products. Essay On Parkinson Disease has been in the position for 15 years, having moved into this job after leaving a different company doing similar work. The job requires him to travel to give demonstrations of the products across a Supergroup Essays region. This requires him to fly and drive in unfamiliar areas. Maria works as a junior high school principal.

Doug and Maria are financially set for retirement at age Overall, they are in good health. Early phase In the year before his diagnosis, Doug had three minor car accidents while he was traveling in unfamiliar territory.

Maria was suspicious that the accidents were related to his PD and, after consulting with the neurologist and Doug, they decided he should no longer travel alone out of his immediate area.

Essay On Parkinson Disease

After a few months of traveling with a colleague, he reluctantly stepped down to a Essay On Parkinson Disease sales representative position to stay closer to home. Within the next year, Doug started experiencing exacerbated worsened symptoms related to fine motor coordination, changes in speech, Pwrkinson well as anger, anxiety, and depression. The neurologist placed Doug on short-term disability at the age of After six months on short-term disability, the law mandates that the individual must apply for Social Security Disability. At first, Maria attempted to work with Doug to complete the disability paperwork.

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Doug was easily frustrated with formulating the responses to the Diseaase on the forms; he did not know how to answer the questions nor where to find the information within their household records, so Maria hired a lawyer to complete the paperwork. This was a significant drop in income.

Essay On Parkinson Disease

Since Doug left his full-time job, he was no longer eligible for health benefits from his employer. He is not eligible for Medicare under the disability guidelines until two years after payments begin. Maria completed the paperwork to add him to Pakrinson health insurance through her job, which doubled her monthly contribution to health insurance.

Essay On Parkinson Disease

The decrease in household income required them to utilize their retirement funds earlier than planned. In addition, Maria knows, as the disease progresses, she may have to make decisions about her own full-time work as a principal, which will further strain their financial situation.

Middle phase Doug and Maria enjoyed playing Scrabble with their friends Susan and Bob, who lived nearby.]

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