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You might feel stuck in completing a report or procrastinating an urgent task because you cannot find the right momentum that can enable you to ensure that everything is done right. Understanding the Flow Model can help you find that peak and enable you to achieve the right momentum for optimum performance. What is the Flow Model? The Flow Model aims to identify what leads people to this state of flow. They are fully immersed in a challenging task. Despite being challenging, this task is doable. Flow happens when a painter paints to complete a masterpiece or when a musician flawlessly plays an instrument. Enhancing Working Memory Enhancing Working Memory

The pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, is a model species used to characterize the causal mechanisms of long-term memory LTM formation. Here, we assessed whether the osphradium, a primary chemosensory organ in Lymnaea, modulates LTM enhancement. To test this we severed the osphradial nerve proximal to the osphradium, using sham-operated animals as Enhancing Working Memory, and assessed the behavioral and electrophysiological response to crayfish kairomones and KCl. Link operantly conditioned aerial respiratory behavior in intact, sham and osphradially cut animals, and tested for enhanced memory formation after exposure to the chemical stressors.

Sham-operated animals displayed the same memory enhancement as intact animals but snails with a severed osphradial nerve did not show LTM enhancement. Extracellular recordings Enhancing Working Memory from the Enhancinb nerve demonstrate that these stressors evoked afferent sensory source. Intracellular recordings from right pedal dorsal 1 RPeD1a neuron necessary for LTM formation, demonstrate that its electrophysiological activity is altered by input from the osphradium following Enhwncing to crayfish kairomones or KCl in sham and intact animals but no response is seen in RPeD1 in osphradially cut animals.

Enhancing Working Memory

Therefore, sensory input Enhancing Working Memory the osphradium is necessary for LTM enhancement following exposure to these chemical stressors. It is well known that stress can modulate memory formation, either by enhancing or blocking memory depending on the nature of the stress and when it is experienced relative to the learning event Shors, ; Kim and Diamond, The formation and retrieval of memory are dynamic processes, and can be modulated by stress and associated traumatic events Gordon and Spear, ; Kim and Diamond, ; Cahill et al.

Stress during learning is commonly associated with negative effects on memory retrieval Kim et al. How stress alters the Ehhancing and electrophysiological properties of neurons that are necessary for the formation of behavioral Enhancing Working Memory memory LTM has not been fully elucidated, in part because of the complexity of the mammalian brain. For example, certain acute stressors e.

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However, it is not clear what the mechanism s is as to how stress alters synaptic plasticity thought to underlie behavioral LTM Howland and Wang, In the rodent brain it is often Enhancing Working Memory that the effects of acute stress on learning and memory are the result of Enhancing Working Memory levels of corticosterone de Quervain et al. However, this hormone can be increased to similar levels by exposing rats to either a cat or a sexually receptive female rat Enhancing Working Memory only those rats exposed to the cat showed blockage of hippocampal-dependent LTM Woodson et al. In an attempt to overcome some of the complexities of using mammalian preparations we have utilized our Lymnaea model system where it is possible to study at the single neuron level how stress alters the activity of a neuron necessary for behavioral LTM. Similarly to other animals tested, stress experienced before, during or after a learning event can alter the ability of Lymnaea to form memory, read more the nature of the stressor having either neutral, negative or positive effects on memory formation Lukowiak et al.

However, it is unclear in the Lymnaea model system how the stressors that alter memory formation are sensed by the organism and how this sensory input alters neuronal activity. Here, we attempted to Enhancing Working Memory the role played by a candidate sensory structure, the osphradium, in the modulation of LTM formation at both the behavioral and neurophysiological levels.

The click is an external sensory organ situated directly above the pneumostome that Lymnaea uses for chemosensation Wedemeyer and Schild, It has been previously demonstrated that neurons in the osphradium show an electrophysiological response to a wide range of chemicals, and hence may be a primary method by which the snail senses external stressors Wedemeyer and Schild, ; Kamardin et al. However, despite this knowledge, there has been little work demonstrating how the sensory input through the osphradium alters behavior in Lymnaea. Dalesman et al. Further, Il-Han et al. Il-Han et al.

Enhancing Working Memory

Here, we investigated the modulation of both behavioral and electrophysiological responses to crayfish kairomones and KCl 25 mmol l—1 via input from the osphradium. Both of these stressors enhance LTM formation; Enhancing Working Memory, stressors that induce a similar phenotype need not act through the same sensory system Dalesman et al.

While there is evidence that CE enhances memory due to sensory input from the osphradium, we do not have information about how KCl modulates memory enhancement, nor do we know how sensory information alters activity in the CNS. We therefore tested for changes in the electrophysiological properties of right pedal dorsal 1 RPeD1as this neuron has also been demonstrated to be necessary for LTM formation following our operant conditioning procedure Scheibenstock et Enhancing Working Memory. Snails were transferred to the laboratory at least one week before experiments were performed, and maintained in oxygenated artificial pond water 0.

What is the Flow Model?

The snails were kept Enhancing Working Memory a density of one snail per liter, and were fed romaine lettuce ad libitum. Surgical procedure In these experiments, three groups of animals were used: 1 animals in which the osphradial nerve was severed cut proximal to the osphradium; 2 animals that underwent the same surgical procedure minus the severing of the nerve to control for any effects of the procedure and anesthetic sham ; and 3 animals that did not undergo any surgical procedure at all intact. Cut and sham snails were anesthetized first by using iced pond water, and then injected Enhancing Working Memory 2 ml of 50 mmol l—1 MgCl2via the foot into the hemocoel.

The article source chloride acted as a relaxant, preventing withdrawal into the shell and allowing access to the area around the osphradium. When the anesthetized animals were placed into a dissection dish, a small slit was made in the skin to access the osphradial nerve. In sham animals, the small slit was made but the nerve was left uncut.]

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