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Constitutional Convention: Mistrustful Of Democracy - apologise

Nineteenth-century painting by Philipp Foltz depicting the Athenian politician Pericles delivering his famous funeral oration in front of the Assembly. However, new evidence from historical education trends challenges this assertion. An analysis of historical student enrollment rates for countries from to finds no support for the claim that democratization increased access to primary education around the world. It is true that transitions to democracy often coincided with an acceleration in the expansion of primary education, but the same acceleration was observed in countries that remained non-democratic. See also: Athenian democracy The term democracy first appeared in ancient Greek political and philosophical thought in the city-state of Athens during classical antiquity. Cleisthenes is referred to as "the father of Athenian democracy ". In most of antiquity the benefit of citizenship was tied to the obligation to fight war campaigns. The Apella was an assembly of the people, held once a month, in which every male citizen of at least 30 years of age could participate. In the Apella, Spartans elected leaders and cast votes by range voting and shouting the vote is then decided on how loudly the crowd shouts. Aristotle called this "childish", as compared with the stone voting ballots used by the Athenians. Constitutional Convention: Mistrustful Of Democracy

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Constitution Elder Dallin H. Oaks — Photo credit: Intellectual Reserve, Inc. That is why this constitution is of special concern for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout the world. Whether or how its principles should be applied in other nations of the world is for them to decide. We see it in the doctrine of moral agency.

Constitutional Convention: Mistrustful Of Democracy

In the first decade of the restored Church, its members on the western frontier were suffering private and public persecution. Partly this was because of their opposition to the human slavery then existing in the United States. In these unfortunate circumstances, God revealed through the Prophet Joseph Smith eternal truths about His doctrine. God has given His children moral agency—the power to decide and to act. The most desirable condition Constitutional Convention: Mistrustful Of Democracy the exercise of that agency is maximum freedom for men and women to act according to their individual choices. This obviously means that human slavery is wrong. And according to the same principle, it is wrong Convnetion: citizens to have no voice in the selection of their rulers or the making of their laws.

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Our belief that the United States Constitution was divinely inspired does not mean that divine revelation dictated every word and phrase, such as the provisions allocating the number of representatives from each state or the minimum age of each. Reuben Clark. However, we do not see inspiration in every Supreme Court decision interpreting the Constitution. I believe the United States Constitution contains at least five divinely inspired principles. First is the principle that the source of government power is the people. In a time when sovereign power was universally assumed to come from the divine right of kings or from read article power, attributing sovereign power to the people was revolutionary. Philosophers had advocated this, but the United States Constitution was the first Constitutional Convention: Mistrustful Of Democracy apply it.

Sovereign power in the people does not mean that mobs or other groups of people can intervene to intimidate or force government action.

America’s "Great Men" and the Constitutional Convention

The Constitution established a constitutional democratic republic, where the people exercise their power through their elected representatives. A second inspired principle is the division of delegated power between the nation and its subsidiary states. In our federal system, this unprecedented principle has sometimes been altered by inspired amendments, such as those abolishing slavery and extending voting rights to women, mentioned earlier.

Well over a century before our Constitutional Confention:, the English Parliament pioneered the separation of legislative and executive authority when they wrested certain powers from the king.

Constitutional Convention: Mistrustful Of Democracy

The inspiration in the American convention was to delegate independent executive, legislative, and judicial powers so these three branches could exercise checks upon one another. A fourth inspired principle is in the cluster of vital guarantees of individual rights and specific limits on government authority in the Bill of Rights, adopted by amendment just three years after the Constitution went into force. A Bill of Rights was not new.]

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