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Akkadian and Syrian-Aramaic have been in extensive contact since their old periods. Widespread bilingualism among Assyrian nationals was already present prior to the fall of the Empire. Following the Achaemenid conquest of Assyria under Darius Ithe Syrian-Aramaic language was adopted as the "vehicle for written communication between the different regions of the vast empire with its different peoples and languages".

Compromise Between Two Characters

After the conquest of Assyria by the Seleucid Empire Compromise Between Two Characters the late 4th century BC, Imperial Aramaic gradually lost its status as an imperial language, but continued to flourish alongside Ancient Greek. By the 1st century AD, Akkadian was extinct, though vocabulary and grammatical features still survive in modern Assyrian. At the same time, Ephrem the Syrian was producing the most treasured collection of poetry and theology Chadacters the Classical Syriac language. By the 3rd century AD, churches in Urhay in the kingdom of Osroene began to use Classical Syriac as the language of worship and it became the literary and liturgical language of many churches in the Fertile Crescent.

Syriac was the common tongue of the region, where it was the native language of the Fertile Crescent, surrounding areas, as well as in parts of Eastern Arabia.

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It was the dominant language until AD, till it was supplanted by Greek and later Arabic in a centuries-long process having begun in the Arab conquests. The differences with the Church BBetween the East led to the bitter Nestorian schism in the Syriac-speaking world. As a result of the schism as well as being split between living in the Byzantine Empire in the west and the Sasanian Empire in the east, Syrian-Aramaic developed distinctive Western and Eastern varieties.

Although remaining a single language with a high level of comprehension between the varieties, the two employ distinctive Compromise Between Two Characters in pronunciation and writing systems and, to a lesser degree, in vocabulary and grammar. During Betweeen course of the third and fourth centuries AD, the inhabitants of the region began to embrace Christianity. Because of theological differences, Syriac-speaking Christians bifurcated during the 5th century into the Church of the Eastor East Syrians under Sasanian rule, and the Syriac Orthodoxor West Syrians under the Byzantine empire.

After this separation, the two groups developed distinct dialects differing primarily in the pronunciation and written symbolisation of vowels. The Mongol invasions of the 13th century and the religiously motivated massacres of Assyrians by Tamurlane further contributed to the rapid decline of the language.

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In many places outside of northern Mesopotamia the Assyrian homelandeven in liturgythe language was replaced by Arabic. Even if they cannot be positively identified as the Betwsen descendants of attested Middle Syriac, they must have developed from closely related dialects belonging to the same branch of Aramaic, and the varieties spoken in Christian communities have long co-existed with and been influenced by Middle Syriac as a liturgical and literary language. Moreover, the name "Syriac", when used with no qualification, generally refers to one specific dialect of Middle Aramaic but not to Old Aramaic or to the various present-day Eastern and Central Neo-Aramaic languages descended Compromise Between Two Characters it or from close relatives.]

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