Cognitive Dissonance Theory In Social Psychology - Custom Academic Help

Cognitive Dissonance Theory In Social Psychology

That: Cognitive Dissonance Theory In Social Psychology

Sirmium Essays Rosa Karina Senra
Cognitive Dissonance Theory In Social Psychology 4 days ago · A THEORY OF COGNITIVE DISSONANCE w ith a more neutral term, namely, consonance. A more formal definition of these terms^wlirbe given shortly; for the moment, let us try to get along with the implicit meaning they have acquired as a result of the preceding discussion. The basic hypotheses I wish to state are as follows: 1. 1 day ago · American social psychologist Leon Festinger (), developed the theory of cognitive dissonance. The premises of this theory suggest that attitudes and behaviors will remain in harmony. Festinger believed that human beings want consistency with their thoughts and actions and attempt to lessen the tension and avoid discrepancies (Mcleod. 12 hours ago · Cognitive dissonance is an important social psychological principle that can explain how attitudes follow behavior in many domains of our everyday life. For instance, people who try but fail to quit smoking cigarettes naturally suffer lowered self-esteem (Gibbons, Eggleston, & Benthin, ).
Cognitive Dissonance Theory In Social Psychology.

If a person smokes despite knowing the risk, they may experience cognitive dissonance.

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Situations where cognitive dissonance can occur include: Smoking despite being aware of the adverse health effects of tobacco use. Choosing to promote a behavior, such as regular exercise, that a Cognitive Dissonance Theory In Social Psychology does not themselves practice. This type of cognitive dissonance is called hypocrisy. Telling a lie despite the person thinking of Pssychology as honest. Purchasing a new car that is not fuel efficient, despite being environmentally conscious. Eating meat while also thinking of themselves as an animal lover who dislikes the thought of killing animals. Some researchers call this the meat paradox.

People who experience cognitive dissonance can take steps to reduce see more. They may do this by: Rejecting or avoiding conflicting information Often, people resolve cognitive dissonance by devaluing and discarding conflicting knowledge.

Cognitive Dissonance Theory In Social Psychology

Persuading and justifying Individuals may persuade themselves that no conflict exists. They may seek out support from others who share similar beliefs or try to convince others that the new information is inaccurate.

Cognitive Dissonance Theory In Social Psychology

Alternatively, a person may find a way to justify behaviors that conflict with their beliefs. For example, someone who smokes despite knowing that it is bad for their health may rationalize the behavior on the basis that Dissoance helps them socialize with others. Reconciling the differences Share on Pinterest A person may reconcile differences by giving up eating meat because click love animals. This method of reducing dissonance may be the most effective, but it is also the most challenging to implement.

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It involves a person changing their behaviors so that they are consistent with their other beliefs. Reconciling the differences between conflicting beliefs, or between actions and beliefs, is a form of personal growth. One example of reconciling differences is when a person stops eating meat because they love animals or dislike the thought of killing them. Although cognitive dissonance may seem like a negative effect, it can also help people change and grow in positive ways.

Through awareness of conflicting beliefs and actions, people can address their habits and bring their behaviors in line with their values. Last medically reviewed on October 21, ]

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