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Citizen Kanes Citizen Kane: The Classic Hollywood Industry - your

For many, Mank is seen as a love letter to classic Hollywood. Mankiewicz as he writes the screenplay for Citizen Kane. Load Error But Mank isn't just a love letter to old Hollywood. In fact, it's much more personal than that. Watch the trailer for Mank below. Citizen Kanes Citizen Kane: The Classic Hollywood Industry Citizen Kanes Citizen Kane: The Classic Hollywood Industry

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1941: Citizen Kane: What Makes A Masterpiece?

By Noah Y. Kim April 16, Editor's note: Have you ever wondered if the movie you just saw — that claimed to be based on a real story or historical events — was really accurate? So have we. In keeping with the Oscar tradition of honoring movies about movie making, the most nominated film of the year centers on a Hollywood screenwriter. The film received 10 Oscar nominations, including for best picture, for David Fincher as best director and for Gary Oldman as best actor.

To fact-check the film, we spoke with historians and film scholars.

Citizen Kanes Citizen Kane: The Classic Hollywood Industry

At some points, "Mank" hews close to real-world events. At others, it swerves away from the factual record, particularly in the way it attempts to interweave the creation of "Citizen Kane" and the Upton Sinclair campaign. A good chunk of "Mank" revolves around socialist muckraker and author Upton Sinclair played, surprisingly, by Bill Nye "the Science Guy" and his campaign for the California Citizen Kanes Citizen Kane: The Classic Hollywood Industry.

At the time of his run, Sinclair was famous for several popular novels, including "The Jungle," which condemned the meatpacking industry and inspired national health reforms. AP Images The message took off. A mass movement gathered around Sinclair, and the candidate captured the Democratic primary in a landslide. Terrified of a Sinclair governorship, business executives, publishers and Hollywood moguls combined forces to crush him in the general election.

Then this incredible campaign against him assembled. Studio heads threatened to move their headquarters to Florida.

Browse the Truth-O-Meter

Perhaps the most consequential element of the campaign against Sinclair was a series of fake newsreels created by Hollywood film producer Irving Thalberg. These videos, which are faithfully recreated in "Mank," feature "reporters" speaking to "people on the street," Citizen Kanes Citizen Kane: The Classic Hollywood Industry of whom were actually small-time Hollywood actors reciting scripted remarks. Well-dressed individuals criticized Sinclair and praised his opponent. Others, with shabby outfits and heavy accents, asserted that Sinclair was the candidate of the people.

The fake newsreels had "a tremendous effect," said Mitchell, who unearthed the videos in Ho,lywood MGM archive while researching his book. In link, Mankiewicz sponsored hundreds of German refugees as they fled to America, a fact that "Mank" makes much of. But the screenwriter was also an avowed isolationist who identified with Charles Lindbergh, the anti-war aviator who argued against American intervention in Europe and accused American Jews of "agitating for war.

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Mankiewicz publicly resisted Claseic leftward turn, taking out a full-page advertisement in Variety that viciously mocked the guilds. A scene in "Mank," which features Mankiewicz criticizing the unions, quotes some of the lines from the ad. The man who actually filmed the fake newsreels was a director named Felix Feist Jr.

In the movie: Mankiewicz writes "Citizen Kane" on his own. In reality: Welles played a pivotal role in shaping and writing the final script. The authorship of the "Citizen Kane" script has been debated almost from the moment the movie was released, with Mankiewicz and Welles each asserting that he deserved primary credit.

Reflection Of Citizen Kane

Mank, who did not attend the Oscars the year "Citizen Kane" won the award for Best Original Screenplay, reportedly told Welles that his acceptance speech would have been: "I am very to accept this award in Mr. Welles' absence because the script was written in Mr. Welles' absence. AP Images New Yorker film critic Pauline Kael fueled the controversy with a long essay called "Raising Kane" in which she alleged that Welles had played virtually no role in the writing of his masterpiece "Citizen Kane.

Nowadays, film experts consider her essay to be "completely discredited and terribly flawed," said Harlan Lebo, a cultural historian who has written two books on "Citizen Kane.

Citizen Kanes Citizen Kane: The Classic Hollywood Industry

Kael based her writing on her own judgement and not on any easily available facts. The record, though, shows that Welles played a pivotal role writing the script and adapting it to film. In the film, Houseman link in on Mankiewicz every so often while Mank is convalescing from a car crash at a ranch in Victorville, Calif.

Citizen Kanes Citizen Kane: The Classic Hollywood Industry

In reality, Houseman slept in another room in the ranch and frequently reviewed and offered comments on the "Kane" script while Mank was writing. Karringer writes that this draft was "a solid durable story structure" that Welles used as "a source work at the service of an original independent creation. Some Kanr: parts in the finished movie appear to have been conceptualized and written by Welles during the production and filming of "Citizen Kane" itself.]

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