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Citizen Kane Opening Scene Analysis

Citizen Kane Opening Scene Analysis - very

Further information: Political geography of Nineteen Eighty-Four Three perpetually warring totalitarian superstates control the world in the novel: [28] Oceania ideology: Ingsoc , formerly known as English Socialism , whose core territories are "the Americas , the Atlantic Islands , including the British Isles , Australasia and the southern portion of Africa. The disputed area is where the superstates capture slave labour. Main article: The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism Many of Orwell's earlier writings clearly indicate that he originally welcomed the prospect of a Socialist revolution in Britain, and indeed hoped to himself take part in such a revolution. The concept of "English Socialism" first appeared in Orwell's " The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius ", where Orwell outlined a relatively humane revolution - establishing a revolutionary regime which "will shoot traitors, but give them a solemn trial beforehand, and occasionally acquit them" and which "will crush any open revolt promptly and cruelly, but will interfere very little with the spoken and written word"; the "English Socialism" which Orwell foresaw in would even "abolish the House of Lords, but retain the Monarchy". However, at some time between and Orwell evidently became disillusioned and came to the conclusion that also his cherished English Socialism would be perverted into an oppressive totalitarian dictatorship, as bad as Stalin's Soviet Union. Citizen Kane Opening Scene Analysis.

Citizen Kane Opening Scene Analysis Video

Plot[ edit ] Don Lockwood Gene Kelly is a popular silent film star with humble roots as a hoofer and stuntman. Don barely tolerates his vain, cunning, conniving, and shallow leading lady, Lina Lamont Jean Hagenthough their studio, Monumental Pictures, links them romantically to increase their popularity. Lina is convinced that they are in love, despite Cutizen protestations otherwise.

Film Analysis : ' Citizen Kane ' Essay

At the premiere of their latest film, The Royal Rascal, Don tells the gathered crowd a version of his life story, including his motto: "Dignity, always dignity. To escape from his fans after the premiere, Don jumps into a passing car driven by Kathy Selden Debbie Reynolds.

She drops him off, but not before claiming to be a stage actress and sneering at his "undignified" accomplishments Citixen a movie star.

Citizen Kane Opening Scene Analysis

Later, at an after-party, the head of Don's studio, R. Simpson Millard Mitchellshows a short demonstration of a talking picture[a] but his guests Citizeh unimpressed. To Don's amusement, Kathy pops out of a mock cake right in front of him, revealing herself to be a chorus girl "All I Do is Dream of You".

Citizen Kane Opening Scene Analysis

Furious at Don's teasing, she throws a cake at him, accidentally hitting Lina in the face, and then flees. Don becomes smitten with Kathy and searches for her for weeks, with Cosmo trying to cheer him up " Make 'Em Laugh ".

Citizen Kane Narrative Techniques

Citizrn While filming a romantic scene, a jealous Lina reveals that her influence is behind Kathy's loss of work and subsequent disappearance. Don sings her a love song, and she confesses to having been a fan of his all along "You Were Meant for Me". After rival studio Warner Bros. The production is beset with difficulties, including Lina's grating voice and strong Brooklyn accent. An exasperated diction coach tries to teach her how to speak properly, but to no avail.

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In contrast, Don fares better when taking diction lessons "Moses Supposes". The Dueling Cavalier's preview screening is a disaster; Scebe actors are barely audible thanks to the awkward placing of the microphones, Don repeats the line "I love you" to Lina over and over, to the audience's derisive laughter, [b] and in the middle of the film, the sound goes out of synchronization, with hilarious results as Lina shakes her head while the villain's deep voice says, "Yes!

Citizen Kane Opening Scene Analysis

The three are disheartened when they realize Lina's terrible voice remains a problem. Having learned the truth, an infuriated Lina barges in on a dubbing session, and becomes even angrier when she is told that Don and Kathy are in love and intend to marry, and KKane R. Lina threatens to sue R.]

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