Child Welfare System - Custom Academic Help

Child Welfare System

Child Welfare System - was specially

It comes as child-protection agencies across the U. The goals would include development of community-based, abuse-prevention and family support services and holding states accountable for recruiting an adequate number of foster and adoptive families. The order says HHS will increase the availability of trauma-informed training, support guardianship through funding and grants, and enhance support for kinship care and for the roughly 20, young people who age out of foster care each year. Among other steps, this proposal directs HHS to advise states on the possible use of federal funds to support high-quality legal representation for parents and children. Eileen Pasztor, a California-based child welfare advocate with experience as a foster parent and adoptive parent, said HHS should emphasize the importance of kinship care — the steadily growing practice of placing children with relatives rather than with foster parents who are not part of the extended family. The coronavirus pandemic has caused an array of problem for child-protection agencies across the U. Many biological parents have been denied normally routine in-person visits with children placed in foster care.

For: Child Welfare System

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Child Welfare System

Research uncovers the patterns of bias

From our Partners Illustration Child Welfare System Dylan B. This article appeared originally at NextCity. She and her boyfriend had co-slept with the four-month-old child that night and awakened to his crying. Quickly, Lamb picked the child up from the hardwood floor, soothed him back to sleep, checked on him in the night, and by morning, the experience looked like an inexpensive lesson: the baby showed no ill effects at all.

Over the next couple of days, however, Lamb noticed her son used his right arm very little and sometimes held it Chi,d to his side.

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But over the next few days, he continued favoring the arm and even went through an odd crying episode — a spell that convinced Lamb she needed to take him to the hospital. From our Partners Shortly after that, the tone of the visit changed. Lamb could not explain that second potential injury.

Child Welfare System

There had been no earlier accident. The problem, hospital staff informed her, was that the suspected second break suggested possible child abuse, giving them no choice under the law but to report her to the Department of Human Services.

Child Welfare System

Then a DHS caseworker arrived, questioned her, and took both children into custody. Nevertheless, DHS informed her that they would keep her kids in custody until a full hearing could be held.

The parallels with law enforcement

Built to err on the side of caution for kids, the child welfare system often manifests as a punitive and intrusive force, particularly toward Black families, who are statistically more likely Child Welfare System be referred for investigations and more likely to have their kids taken into foster care when compared to white families.

As a result, reformers and abolitionists are demanding that the system be reformed, even wholly reimagined. They frame this cause in the language of the Black Lives Matter movement — a cry to preserve Black families against a system built to separate them.]

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