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Character Analysis Of Earnest Video

The Importance of Being Earnest: Characters Character Analysis Of Earnest. Character Analysis Of Earnest

When written well, characters seize our attention and compel us to engage. We mull over their relationships, wonder if they did the right thing, and ponder how they might behave in different scenarios. But why is it that some characters are more compelling than others?

Diction And Juxtaposition In 'A Story' By Li-Young Lee

Character Analysis Of Earnest books that discuss the craft of writing fiction suggest the best approach towards creating engaging characters is by ensuring that they are believable, complex and flawed. Suggestions typically include drawing on personal observation, giving the main character conflicting conscious and unconscious goals, and developing an interesting character backstory.

In it, he argued that the most engaging characters move us emotionally because they feel real, and continue to surprise us as we turn the pages of the text. When confined to secondary roles, these flat characters support the main story without distracting the reader.

Character Analysis Of Earnest

However, to Forster, the most compelling characters capture the full complexity of being human. They also transform and surprise us in believable ways.

Character Analysis Of Ready Player One By Ernest Cline

As a psychology graduate-turned-writer, these questions intrigued me during my doctoral research. Early in my writing career, I received notes on one of my Character Analysis Of Earnest from a respected script consultant. They were full of excellent observations and useful suggestions, except on the area of character. I was in full agreement that my character needed more complexity and was missing something, but these comments alone were too vague to be useful.

Hidden Intellectualism In Hidden Intellectualism

What I needed was to better understand what complexity means in a character, and with that to recognise what specifically was missing from my character and how to go about fixing it. Although some literary critics have resisted the idea that fictional characters are anything more than textual constructions i.

Character Analysis Of Earnest

Since most writers intend for their fictional characters to be proxies of their human counterparts, it arguably makes sense to examine and understand their characters through many of the same scientific models used by psychologists to go here real people. More specifically, the field of personality psychology is likely to be especially illuminating because writers characterise their fictional personae by describing their thoughts, feelings, motivations and behaviors — the exact same set of factors that psychologists see as making up personality.

These pioneers built on the idea Character Analysis Of Earnest the attributes of personality that we consider to be most important must be encoded in everyday language.]

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