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East of Eden SUMMARY // John Steinbeck Character Analysis Of Charles Trask In John Steinbecks

Her parents, Southern Presbyterian missionariestraveled to China soon after their marriage on July 8,but returned to the United States for Pearl's birth. When Pearl was five months old, the family arrived in China, first in Huai'an and then in moved to Zhenjiang then often known as Jingjiang or, in the Chinese postal romanization system, Tsingkiangnear Nanking. Her father, convinced that no Chinese could wish him harm, stayed behind as the rest of the family went to Shanghai for safety.

A few years later, Pearl was enrolled in Miss Jewell's School there and was dismayed at the racist attitudes of the other students, few of whom could speak any Chinese. Both of her parents felt strongly that Chinese were their equals they forbade the use of the word heathenand she was raised in a bilingual environment: tutored in English by her mother, in the local dialect by her Chinese playmates, and in classical Chinese by a Chinese scholar named Mr. She also read voraciously, especially, in spite of her father's disapproval, the Character Analysis Of Charles Trask In John Steinbecks of Charles Dickenswhich she later said she read through once a year for the rest of her life.

Character Analysis Of Charles Trask In John Steinbecks

Although she had not intended to return to China, much less become a missionary, she quickly applied to the Presbyterian Board when her father wrote that her mother was seriously ill. From toshe served as a Presbyterian missionary, but her views later became highly controversial during the Fundamentalist—Modernist controversyleading to her resignation.

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She married an agricultural economist missionary, John Lossing Buckon May 30,and they moved to Suzhou, Anhui Provincea small town on the Huai River not to be confused with the better-known Suzhou in Jiangsu Province. This is the region she describes in her books The Good Earth and Sons. From tothe Bucks made their home in Nanjing, on the campus of the University of Nankingwhere they both Analtsis teaching positions. Inthe Bucks had a daughter, Carol, afflicted with phenylketonuria.

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InBuck's mother died of a tropical disease, sprueand shortly afterward her father moved in. Inthey left China for John Buck's year of sabbatical and returned to the United Anlaysis for a short time, during which Pearl Buck earned her master's degree from Cornell University. Inthe Bucks adopted Janice later surnamed Walsh.

Character Analysis Of Charles Trask In John Steinbecks

That autumn, they returned to China. In a confused battle involving elements of Chiang Kai-shek 's Nationalist troops, Communist forces, and assorted warlords, several Westerners were murdered. Since her father Absalom insisted, as he had in in the face of the Boxers, the family decided to stay in Nanjing until the battle reached the city.

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When violence broke out, a poor Chinese family invited them to hide in their hut while the family house was looted. The family spent a day terrified and in hiding, after which they were rescued by American gunboats. They traveled to Shanghai and then sailed to Japan, where they stayed for a year, after which they moved back to Nanjing. Buck later said that this year in Japan showed her that not all Japanese were militarists. When she returned from Japan in lateBuck devoted herself in earnest to the vocation of writing. Friendly relations with prominent Chinese writers of the time, such as Xu Zhimo and Lin Yutangencouraged her to think of herself as a professional writer.

Character Analysis Of Charles Trask In John Steinbecks

She wanted to fulfill the ambitions denied to her mother, but she also needed money to support herself if she left her marriage, which had become increasingly lonely, and since the mission board could not provide it, she also needed money for Carol's specialized care.

Buck went once more to the States in to find long-term care for Carol, and while there, Richard J. She and Walsh began a relationship that would result in marriage and many years of professional teamwork.]

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