Annotated Bibliography: Deafness/Disability - Custom Academic Help

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Think, that: Annotated Bibliography: Deafness/Disability

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Annotated Bibliography: Deafness/Disability How Did African Americans Struggle For Freedom
Annotated Bibliography: Deafness/Disability Annotated Bibliography: Deafness/Disability Annotated Bibliography: Deafness/Disability

Exploring the origins and consequences of this movement, Esmail shows how deaf Victorians viewed language, disability, and themselves, and sets this story in a larger Deafness/Disaability of Victorian attitudes toward language and difference. They came by these fears Annotated Bibliography: Deafness/Disability, as they faced substantial prejudice in Victorian literary culture. In particular, these poets struggled to be taken seriously because perceptions of deafness excluded the possibility that the deaf could write poetry at all.

In her sensitive click of this body of work, Esmail exposes the assumption that underpinned the prejudice: an idea of written poetry as supervenient on a highly valued fantasy: that poetry bubbled into existence through the medium of the poet, who was a conduit for "an original bardic orality" Hearing poets, like Tennyson, to whom voices reportedly spoke even Annotated Bibliography: Deafness/Disability the wind" qtd. To them, a deaf poet was a conceptual impossibility, a contradiction in terms. In the next chapter, Esmail wades into the main current of Victorian literature in order to explore literary representations AAnnotated the deaf and of deafness.

Annotated Bibliography: Deafness/Disability

Her argument turns on a carefully observed distinction between speaking and signing deaf literary characters, with the signing deaf posing a distinctive challenge to Victorian readers and writers. According to Esmail, signing deaf people Bibliographj: troubling because they raised uncomfortable questions about the meanings of signed, rather than spoken, language.

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In contrast, speaking deaf characters, as Esmail out, were not at all unusual. For Esmail, the mystery is not that deafness should preoccupy Victorian writers but that signing deaf characters should be so unusual, given how frequently writers resorted to deafness and other tropes of disability in their "fictions of affliction," to use Annotated Bibliography: Deafness/Disability Stoddard Holmes' resonant phrase.

Bib,iography: more, Esmail discovers a fundamental phonocetrism sustaining the imbalance. Her "masculinized deaf voice" 85 alone put her beyond the bounds of acceptable femininity.

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Though Esmail does not beat Bibliograpyy: reader over the head with this insight, there is something chilling about the logical inference here, that only this character's silence could secure her identity, or at least its gendered aspect. Esmail uses Animal Farm Analysis of talking animals in zoos and in the fictions of Kipling Annotated Bibliography: Deafness/Disability Wells to show how signed languages unsettled this familiar distinction, which was already under a certain pressure thanks to the growing influence of Darwin's ideas.

Here, again, Victorian commentators privileged speech over other linguistic modalities in a move that preserved the animal-human distinction. Throughout these Bibliiography:, Victorian commentators proposed deaf education as an instrument of social control, a way to manage the unruly signing deaf who preferred their autonomous forms of communication to spoken and written forms, both of which asked less of the hearing In her final chapter, Esmail turns to the intersections between deafness and the history of technology in order to show how Annotated Bibliography: Deafness/Disability sound technologies that we now take for granted as part of ordinary life originated from a an extraordinary cultural preoccupation with deafness as a threat to social order.

Annotated Bibliography: Deafness/Disability

Although Esmail does not say much about how technologies like phonoautograph actually worked -- after sound propagated through the mechanism, how were the resulting marks decoded? The very Annotated Bibliography: Deafness/Disability of visuality to the functioning of these devices emphasized the relevance and naturalness of signed language, which was also visually apprehended Bibliography Esmail, Jennifer. Holmes, Martha Stoddard. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, ]

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