Animal Rights: Trophy Hunting - Custom Academic Help

Animal Rights: Trophy Hunting Video

Why Trophy Hunting Can Be Good for Animals - Adam Ruins Everything Animal Rights: Trophy Hunting

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The animals hunted are frequently big animals such as rhinos, elephants, lions, pumas, and bears and this deed is done under the official government license. The trophy is the animal or its valuable parts that Animal Rights: Trophy Hunting hunter keeps as a souvenir. Evidence of trophy hunting can be traced back to the late 19th century. The first official record of trophy hunting available is from from a man named Rowland Ward.

Paintings Tro;hy the Mughal period depict Mongol, Rajput, Turk, and Afghan nobility hunting from elephant or horseback.

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These outings were considered an extrinsic, heroic sport—and animals were the ultimate trophies. In the 17th century, such legalistic and ethical understanding was yet to emerge.

Animal Rights: Trophy Hunting

Staging elaborate big game hunts was also a favourite pastime for the British Raj who succeeded the Mughals, an activity that showcased their royalty, power, and wealth. Some support trophy hunting on account of its economic value as it provides Rigts: substantial income to local communities through trade and development of tourism.

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Another argument presented by those in favour of this practice is that it helps in keeping the wildlife population source check and also ensures the stability of the food chain as it wipes out excess population. Tanzania which is the home for forty percent of the lion population of the African continent claims that the animal population is not harmed in any way due to trophy hunting. On the other hand, various Anijal deny the claim of trophy hunting being economically viable.

Animal Rights: Trophy Hunting

More often than not, healthy male animals are hunted by wealthy foreign hunters thereby destabilizing populations. The animals that are left behind suddenly become comparatively more dominant and kill their cubs. Second, this practice can be termed as counter-revolutionary because it is being selective about large and robust males.]

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