Analysis Of Someday, Some Morning, Sometime By Emma Straub - Custom Academic Help

Analysis Of Someday, Some Morning, Sometime By Emma Straub Sometime By Emma Straub

The characters Alright, so to begin, almost every single character in this movie was bland as hardtack. I honestly cannot remember the names of anyone except Maddie because she was in the last Some Morning and Bernie. The other characters are mostly comprised of what you get when you make a literal trope with nothing else added into a full-fledged character.

Sometimes the bad people can just be that, bad people, But he's in the movie for like, 3 total minutes. I just feel like there wasn't actually a need for him when honestly, just having a mysterious evil company could actually improve the plot. The whole Godzilla gang's entire purpose in the movie was to add an extra mechagodzilla scene and spill some whiskey, none of them are overly interesting and honestly you could reduce the whole group to just Maddie or Bernie and nothing changes. The whole Bernie thing also adds a somewhat odd message about conspiracy theorist, so Analysis Of Someday a thing.

Kong's crowd is alright, nothing special but most of them contribute in some way, all still bland and forgettable though.

Analysis Of Someday, Some Morning, Sometime By Emma Straub

Worst of all is Serizawa's son, who isn't even mentioned by name in the movie. Why does he hate Godzilla?

d100 Dying Curses

No clue. Could he have been an interesting character? Honestly, quite easily. Does he do anything?

Analysis Of Someday, Some Morning, Sometime By Emma Straub

No, not at all. Now, I have never agreed with the whole "humans are irrelevant" crowd, as I believe the best of the older Godzilla movies had a somewhat decent cast. Unfortunately, the monster's characters aren't much better in my opinion.

d100 alternatives to saying you missed

Godzilla becomes the bad guy for this movie, which is a pretty big difference to how earlier monsterverse movies portrayed him. For me, this can work great. Two of my top 5 Godzilla movies are the original and Shin Godzilla, which both depict Godzilla as a monster. Here, well, he's kind of just a mildly violent animal.]

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