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Analysis Of Not In The Crossfire: Persia And My Grandfather Video

SWICH Co-collecting - Roundtable Analysis Of Not In The Crossfire: Persia And My Grandfather. Analysis Of Not In The Crossfire: Persia And My Grandfather

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Given that around 13 thousand people have been killed over the past seven years—the civil war in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine has gone on for that long! But people get desensitized to the mostly low-level warfare. Just over the past couple of weeks a grandfather was shot by a Ukrainian sniper while feeding his chickens and a young boy was killed by a bomb precision-dropped on him from a Ukrainian drone.

The Russians can justify their military involvement by the need to defend their own citizens: over click past seven years half a million residents in eastern Ukraine have applied for and been granted Russian citizenship.

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But how exactly can Russia defend its citizens while they are stuck in the crossfire between Russian and Ukrainian forces? The rationale of defending its citizens led to conflict in the briefly Georgian region of South Ossetia, which started on August 8, and lasted barely a week, leaving Georgia effectively demilitarized.

Analysis Of Not In The Crossfire: Persia And My Grandfather

Any suggestion of arming and equipping the Georgians since then has been met with groaning and eye-rolling. Is the upcoming event in eastern Ukraine going to be similar to the swift and relatively painless defanging of Georgia in ?

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Given that the two situations are quite different, it seems foolish to think that the approach to resolving them would be the same. Is it different this time and is World War III is about to erupt with eastern Ukraine being used as a trigger for this conflagration? Do the various statements made at various times by Vladimir Putin provide a solid enough basis for us to guess at what will happen next? Is there a third, typically, infuriatingly Russian approach to resolving this situation, where Russia wins, nobody dies and everyone in the West is left scratching their heads? The Ukrainian military is much like everything else currently found in the Ukraine—the railway system, the power plants, the pipeline systems, the ports, the factories the few that are left —a patched-up hold-over from Soviet times.

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The troops are mostly unhappy, demoralized conscripts and reservists. Virtually all of the more capable young men have either left the country to work abroad or have bribed their way out of being drafted.

Analysis Of Not In The Crossfire: Persia And My Grandfather

The conscripts sit around getting drunk, doing drugs and periodically taking pot shots into and across the line of separation between Ukrainian-held and separatist-held territories.]

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