Following are three scenarios in which the limits of the adversary system may be tested by attorneys advocating zealously for their clients.
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For each of the scenarios, write two-three paragraphs about the issue. Ally Attorney represents Tommy, who has been indicted on burglary charges.
She makes a visit to Freddy Friend and persuades him to keep the incriminating information to himself. Larry Lawyer Adversarkal just source retained by Charlie Crasher, who is being sued by Polly Pedestrian because of injuries she sustained when Charlie plowed her down in a crosswalk.
Larry begins calling Bob every day and harasses him on the phone.
It is assumed by our system that when you have 2 people on opposite sides who are trying to win, the party who has the truth on its side will ultimately prevail. Skip to content. Posted on January 6, By Mugambi 0 Comment.]
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