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23rd century Essays

23rd century Essays - think

This new definition eliminates the politics ascribed to having citizenship and demands for individuals to embrace their membership to "a vast community of human and nonhuman beings" and by being in the world rooted in the knowledge, I depend on it for essentials. Hence, I must celebrate, affirm, and express gratitude toward that community in all aspects of life, and try being responsive to its every need. As such, my immediate self-interests are set aside to allow for the success of my community's vision and goal. The goal of true citizenship entails uniting together for a common goal and pulling resources that contribute to attaining solutions that are beneficial to all citizens of a given community, state, and or country Palmer Palmer also contributes to the…. 23rd century Essays.

23rd century Essays Video

MagazineJanuary 18,posted here with permission. Twenty years ago, David Korten began wrestling with the question, had we become too individualistic and shortsighted to save our species? Nearly 20 years ago, while writing the epilogue to the http://pinsoftek.com/wp-content/custom/life-in-hell/theme-of-platos-cave-in-fahrenheit-451.php edition of When Corporations Rule the World, I struggled with a troubling experience.

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We seem to be on a suicidal course, but it would be so terribly expensive and inconvenient to change. And if the dismal projections turn out to be wrong, we might give up a great party for nothing.

23rd century Essays

Last one to leave, turn out the lights. Duane Elgin, Awakening Earth, p. I shared these insights in the epilogue to that first edition of When Corporations Rule the World and have since made periodic reference in my writing and presentations to my belief that the essential transformation of human culture and institutions depends on a global 23rd century Essays awakening to our spiritual nature.

23rd century Essays

The spiritual dimension of the transformation remained at the periphery of my thinking, however, until Marchwhen a sequence of events suggested that a moment of public readiness for this inquiry had 23rd century Essays. This began to change when, as a college undergraduate, I took a course in comparative religion. This was the beginning of my awakening to how profoundly our distinctive cultural experiences source stories can affect our human perceptions of reality. Is it only about market share? I signed up for a university-wide graduate seminar on the human consciousness offered by Willis Harman.

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Harman was at the time a tenured professor of Electrical Engineering and one of a number of leading Stanford scientists who concluded that the 23rd century Essays and methods of normal science had become self-limiting, and who developed a particular interest in the nature and role of consciousness.

This encounter with a brilliant mind possessed of impeccable science credentials, who dared to challenge prevailing intellectual orthodoxy of his discipline was a life-changing experience. Story Politics The image of God as an integral spirit supports a politics of cooperation, compassion, and sharing.

23rd century Essays

The image of God as an integral spirit supports a politics of cooperation, compassion, and sharing.]

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