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Why Did The Holocaust End Why Did The Holocaust End

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Yoda 3 d Nobody talks about this? Get over yourself, the German's were punished for their crimes and the Russian's weren't.

Why Did The Holocaust End

The German war crimes were a huge issue, to the point where we changed the world and created the united nations as a result. We set rules of war and we set punishments for breaking these rules, and Germany was the first country to suffer from this.

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Japan was even allowed to keep it's Emperor after the war, perhaps because we felt bad for dropping nukes on them. How many Italians were punished and killed for their war crimes? How many Russians were hung for Why Did The Holocaust End war crimes? How many Americans? War crimes were committed on all sides during WW2, everyone was desperate to win. I'm not using this to defend the war crimes I'm just pointing out the fact that the German war crimes are some of the only ones talked about negatively. The rape of http://pinsoftek.com/wp-content/custom/summer-plan-essay/scaffold-symbolism-in-the-scarlet-letter.php is known worldwide and less than thousand women were raped, I'm not saying that's a low number but the estimates for German women raped by Russians is estimated in the hundreds of thousands and potentially as high as 2 million.

The only person I've heard talking about Russians warcrimes and rapes during the occupation of Germany is you!

Why Did The Holocaust End

I won't defend Nazi crimes, but you clearly defend Russian's who were just as bad. Germans were far worse than any other crimes commited by other countries and people like you defend then saying they were forced which is typical German and Nazi propaganda. JessieBellll 3 d Germans killed millions of innocent people, especially children in Soviet Union, few people know that because the Western government doesn't care about Soviet people because they were enemies.

Why Did The Holocaust End

Nothing Russian army DDid done ever compares to this. Get a grip. German historian Thomas Urban[53] writes that the More info policy towards the people who fell under their control in occupied areas was harsh, showing strong elements of ethnic cleansing. Tomasz Strzembosz, has noted parallels between the Nazi Einsatzgruppen and these Soviet units. Prisoners were scalded with boiling water in Bobrka; in Why Did The Holocaust End, people's noses, ears, and fingers were cut off and their eyes were also put out; in Czortkow, the breasts of female inmates were cut off; and in Drohobycz, victims were bound together with barbed wire. Show All Show Less devilman 3 d "Between andSoviet partisan units conducted raids deep inside Finnish territory, attacking villages and other civilian targets.

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In Novemberphotographs showing Soviet atrocities were declassified by the Finnish authorities. These include images of slain women and children. Their mortality rate is estimated to have been about 40 percent. The most common causes of death were hunger, cold and oppressive transportation. JessieBellll 3 d Those are serious crimes, but they don't compare to the massacres and brutality of the Nazis and wermacht Why Did The Holocaust End massacred children in large scales. I don't think any country did that, just German nazis, they were the most Holkcaust people to live on the world. Much worse than British and Russian forces combined. Guru 5 d Given that under German military law rape of and theft from conquered peoples was punishable by death, I suggest that you stop reading Zionist propaganda and read history that was written by real historians, such as David Irving, rather than Zionist schills.

Think about it rationally, if only Whj a moment. National Socialist ideology taught that eastern Europeans were undermensch subhuman.]

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