Video Games And Youth Violence Essay - Custom Academic Help

Video Games And Youth Violence Essay

Video Games And Youth Violence Essay - authoritative

I believe that the pen is Measures more mightier than the sword. My father would tell me how he and his friends used to play arcade games such as Pac-Man, Space Invaders, and Galaxian in his hometown in Guatemala. Several of my peers grew up playing video games The Effect Of The Media On The World Words 5 Pages ut also to society as a whole to avoid corruption, bad examples, and to ideally prevent bias. This was a time of conformity but also teenage rebellion. Elvis Presley was all the rage and one of the oldest uses of censorship. His popular pelvic thrusts were frowned upon by the older generation but loved by teens and the youth as a whole. This investigation attempts to expand and analyze the idea that due to the historical trend of video game violence being accused of blame for seemingly related violent events, some of the research may be faulty. People and the media talk about the public acts of destruction which causes mass sense of fear. Video Games And Youth Violence Essay

I had the YES perspective and I have to respond to the 3 perspectives below.

Real Life Case Study Of Gamexs India

This week I was tasked with providing evidence which validates the premise. From the Columbine devastation to the Aurora tragedy, the headlines have been rife with accounts of shooting sprees by young adults known to be heavy video gamers. In the APA issued a Resolution on Violence in Video Games and Interactive Media indicating the possible role video game violence played in youths Video Games And Youth Violence Essay aggressive behavior.

A task force was set up in which analyzed data regarding a link between violent game exposure and aggression conducted over twenty years utilizing several different quantitative methodologies. The resolution was subsequently revised in when the APA confirmed there was a definite link between the two Copenhaver and Ferguson, Between the ages ofadolescent neocortical synapses are lost and current theories hold this is Video Games And Youth Violence Essay reason cognitive functioning becomes more efficient and improves in later years Kirsh, This is further substantiated by the pronounced limbic system involvement in early adolescence.

The limbic system, the emotion center of the brain, plays a prominent role at this age and accounts for the increased aggression evidenced Kirsh, Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the effects of video game violence and studies over the last two decades have found a correlation between violent video gaming and aggression The Virtue Ethics reported by teachers and the adolescents themselves Kirsh, Studies have found the highest rate of game playtime in the younger age groups ; this rate however, decreased with age.

Gender was not an issue in the studies; both boys and girls preferred games with a violent component.

Video Games Effect On Acts Of Crime And Violence

It has been utilized as a recruiting tool by the Army for teens by communicating messages regarding warcraft and desensitization to violent wartime scenarios Susca, Games such as this should carry disclaimers and be regulated. Perspective 2: Are violent video games harmful to children and adolescents? No, they are not. While, intuitively, it may seem to make sense, this is likely due to bias, heuristics, and mental shortcuts that activate when we think about kids engaging in violent activities along with what iVdeo think might cause children or adolescents to act violently.

Video Games And Youth Violence Essay

Although there are many studies that have found a loose correlation between violent video games and aggression, we have to keep in Viideo that correlation and causation are not the same. For example, while there is a correlation between warm weather and drowning, drowning is not caused by warm weather.

Additionally, there seems to be a broad definition of harm in many of these studies. We can define harm from the perspectives of physical, psychological, legal, economic, or social. Accordingly, we should consider our initial reactions, associations, and biases when we contemplate what harm we initially thought video games might cause when we first read the question.

The Parents' Role in School Shootings

My initial impression from the question was that violent video games make children and adolescents more violent. With that in mind, we should consider the two aspects separately, violent games and increased violence from children. Violent crime, however, is down in general, and juvenile violent crime is down significantly, nearly two-thirds fewer arrests since Department of Justice, On its face, there seems to be an inverse relationship between juvenile crime and video game use since as sales increase violence decreases by almost the same amount.

Video Games And Youth Violence Essay

Moreover, an empirical sEsay of U. As I studied the question, I found it to be more of a political football than a pressing psychological question. There was little information on how youth involvement in aggressive contact sports, like football, or game hunting, which is not simulated killing but actually killing a living thing, affects children and adolescents.

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In fact, a quick Google search provides a wide body of suggestions Youtj how to make children more aggressive when playing sports. Thus, it seems inconsistent to suggest that a loose correlation to violent video games and aggression in children is bad, when sports coaches and parents are intentionally attempting to make children more aggressive to play better football. Perspective 3: Violent Video Games, the idea it could potentially manipulates youth in become aggressive is both fascinating and absurd.]

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