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Uranus Description

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Remarkable, this: Uranus Description

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Uranus Description 501
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Uranus Description. Uranus Description

Some asteroidsalso named after the same Uranus Description characters, share names with moons of Uranus: OpheliaBiancaTitaniaDesdemonaCupidoand Cordelia. Characteristics and groups[ edit ] Schematic of the Uranian moon—ring Descritpion Uranus Description Uranian satellite system is the least massive among those of the giant planets. Indeed, the combined mass of the five major satellites is less than half that of Triton the seventh-largest moon in the Solar System alone. Uranus is about 10, times more massive than its moons. All inner moons are intimately connected with the rings of Uranuswhich probably resulted from the fragmentation of one or several small inner moons.

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Puck and Mab are the two outermost inner Uranus Description of Uranus. The system is chaotic and apparently unstable. Simulations show that the moons may perturb each other into crossing orbits, which may eventually result in collisions between the moons. They range in diameter from km for Miranda to km for Titania. The masses of the moons range from 6.

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For comparison, the Moon has a mass of 7. Artist's conception of the Sun's path in the summer sky of a major moon of Uranus Uranus Description shares Uranus's axial tilt All major moons comprise approximately equal amounts rock and ice, except Miranda, which is made Uranus Description of ice. For instance, Titania was shown to possess no atmosphere at a pressure larger than 10—20 nanobar. The major moons have almost exactly the same rotational axial tilt as Uranus their axes are parallel to that of Uranus.

Irregular moons of Uranus. The X axis is labeled in Gm million km Uranus Description in the fraction of the Hill sphere 's radius. The eccentricity is represented by the yellow segments Descriiption from the pericentre to the apocentre with the inclination represented on the Y axis. See also: Irregular moon As of Uranus is known to have nine irregular moons, which orbit it Uranus Description a distance much greater than that of Oberon, the furthest of the large moons.

Uranus Description

All the irregular moons are probably captured objects that were trapped by Uranus soon after its formation. The moons above the X axis are progradethose beneath are retrograde.

Uranus Description

The radius of the Uranian Hill sphere is approximately 73 million km. The lifetime of moons in the instability region is from 10 million to a billion years.]

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