The Rhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream - Custom Academic Help

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Robert F. There was about , people in attendance. It was the largest demonstration ever seen in the nation's capital, and the first to have a lot television coverage. King uses the bible to receive an emotional reaction and connection from the audience as "The glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see The Civil Rights Movement : Martin Luther King Jr. Segregation was the post result of slavery throughout the United States of America which enslaved Africans. He challenged the status quo of the time. Protesting peacefully and advocating for social Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. King was an activist, pastor, and strong leader whose actions played an integral role in the advancement of the African American people as a whole. The Rhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream

Opinion: The Rhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream

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The Rhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream

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Martin Luther King employs a number of rhetorical strategies to make his speech effective and appealing to the audience. The use of rhetorical questions, source, similes, epistrophe, anaphora, antithesis, tone, rhythmic use Rhetoricap language and the well-knit structure of the speech contributes to the effectiveness of the speech. The speech clearly demonstrates that Martin Luther King was quite aware of the nature of his audience.

The Rhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream

The speech is targeted at three types of audiences-the segregated blacks, the moderate whites who support the civil rights movement and the racist whites who condemn the civil rights movement. The speech is quite persuasive in nature and the speaker employs various rhetorical strategies all throughout the speech.

Rhetorical Analysis I Have A Dream

From an Aristotelian point of view, the speech appeals to the ethos credibility, ethics, character, honesty and confidence of the speakerlogos use of reasoning to appeal to the reader and pathos emotional appeal of the audience. However, a close analysis of the speech reveals that King predominantly tries to stir the pathos or emotional appeal of his audience through carefully planned rhetorical devices and this paper seeks to explore how the speaker tries to change the emotional status of the audience. It is worthwhile to analyze the introductory part of the speech where King introduces the depth and severity of the segregation and inequality faced by the Black community in America.

The Rhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream

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