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The Pros And Cons Of Alien Invasion

The Pros And Cons Of Alien Invasion Video

Alien Invasion in Unity3D - Summary of the Level Design Pro Workshop using GDHQ Filebase The Pros And Cons Of Alien Invasion

Spite runs deep. We find it in our oldest stories.

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It is there in the myths of ancient Greece. Medea kills her children, just to spite her unfaithful husband, Jason. Achilles refuses to help his Greek comrades fight because one of them has stolen his slave. Folklore tells of spite.

The Pros And Cons Of Alien Invasion

A magical being offers to grant a man one wish. Naturally, there is a catch. Whatever he gets, his hated neighbor will get double. The man wishes to be blind in one eye.

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Such stories, although buried in time, still speak of an instantly recognizable behavior. Today, we know that spite can be petty. A driver lingers in a parking space, just to make you wait. A neighbor puts up a fence, solely to block your view. We may also realize how damaging spite can be. A spouse seeks custody of a child, just to get back at their ex. A voter supports a candidate they hope will cause chaos.

The Pros And Cons Of Alien Invasion

But are we prepared to recognize that spite may have a positive side? What exactly is spite? According to the American psychologist David Marcus, a spiteful act is one where you harm another person and harm yourself in the process. In weaker definitions, spite is harming another while only risking harm to yourself. It can also be harming another while not personally benefiting from doing so.

Yet, as Marcus points out, a strong definition of spite, in which harming another entails a personal cost, helps differentiate it from other hostile or sadistic behaviors. When we consider the costs and benefits of our actions, there are four basic ways we can interact with another person.

The Pros And Cons Of Alien Invasion

Two behaviors involve direct perks for us. We can act in a way that benefits both ourselves and the other cooperation or in a way that benefits ourselves but not the other selfishness.

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A third behavior involves a cost to us but a benefit to the other. This is altruism. Researchers have dedicated lifetimes to the study of cooperation, selfishness, and altruism. But there is a fourth behavior, spite. Here we behave in a way that harms both ourselves and the other. This behavior has been left in the shadows, which is not a safe place for Aliem to be. We need to shine a light on spite. Spite is challenging to explain.]

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