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Pages: 1 2 3 4 The Story continued Soon after when he returns to his office, the front door is being freshly painted to read "Samuel Spade, Confidential Investigator. Spade sniffs the card - reacting with a bemused expression. A strange, bug-eyed, shifty man - an effeminate, bow-tied Mr. Joel Cairo Peter Lorre confronts Spade in his office. Cairo's entry line refers to Archer's murder: "May a stranger offer condolences for your partner's unfortunate death? He is searching for a statuette of a black bird: I'm trying to recover, an ornament that, ah, shall we say has been mislaid I thought and hoped you could assist me. The ornament, ah, is a statuette, the black figure of a bird I am prepared to promise that - what is the phrase? He gestures knowingly 'No questions will be asked! The Maltese Falcon Film Analysis The Maltese Falcon Film Analysis.

April 19, 11 Minutes The Maltese Falcon is a detective novel written by Dashiell Hammett and adapted into film ina comedic version called Satan Met a Ladythe by-far most famous one ina film noir directed by John Hustonand a spoof sequel of the version called The Black Bird. The search for the coveted Maltese falcon, a statuette of a bird of gold covered in valuable jewels, then covered in black enamel to hide its enormous worth, is symbolic of what Lacan called the objet petit athe unattainable object-cause of desire.

She even lies about her name when she meets him in his San Francisco office. Her whole manner is that of the pouting covert narcissistthe one who plays The Maltese Falcon Film Analysis role of pitiful victim while secretly scheming to make saps out of her male colleagues.

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Hence, this beauty is Analysus femme fatale. There is a sense in this whole story that desirebe it the coveting of a valuable object or the lusting after a beautiful woman, leads to sufferingas the Buddhists understood. People have chased after the elusive falcon for centuries since pirates stole it while it was en route to King Charles V of Spainonly to be frustrated never to capture it decisively and keep it. The love of riches drives those who want to possess the Maltese falcon.

Maltese Falcon Themes

Their decadence is that of the mafia, too, since they use muscle and guns to get what they want. Similarly, Cairo pulls a gun on Spade, wanting to search his office for the falcon, though Spade manages to get his gun off of him.

The Maltese Falcon Film Analysis

We see in the fierce quest for the falcon a symbol of the bourgeois search for an elevation to the highest levels of social class. Both men know, though, that the falcon is worth so much more as to make thousands of dollars seem like pennies in comparison.

The Maltese Falcon Film Analysis

This disparity in worth is symbolic of the capitalist exploitation of labourminimal payments to workers to extract a maximum of surplus value. The second time Spade meets with Gutman, the latter tells the former the history of the Maltese falcon.

If ever the knights were to leave, Malta would revert to Spain.

Classic Narrative Techniques In The Maltese Falcon

The Maltese Falcon Film Analysis general, the falcons were meant, essentially, to be a yearly payment of rent, as a matter of form, to the king for permission for the knights to live in Malta. The king, as emperor of that part of the Mediterranean at the time, was thus one of the most powerful men of the area during the late feudal period of Europe.

Since the knights had access, through their spoils from their conquests in such places as the Middle East, to the finest jewels, metals, silks, gems, ivories, etc. The boat meant to deliver the falcon from Malta to Spain was stopped by a pirate attack. The pirates stole the falcon, and it ended up being passed around from place to place around the world over the next several centuries, up until the time of this story.

Over this passage of topic Endometrium Essays consider, history witnessed the change from feudalism to capitalism, while the bird has retained its superlative worth. And so the Maltese falcon can be seen to symbolize the greatest attainment of class power, that which takes its owner in flight to the highest of financial freedoms. To own it is to be better than the capitalist ruling class; to own it is to be like a feudal lord. Small wonder Gutman, with his gluttony for wealth and power, wants the black bird so badly. These are relationships of power and subservience. The Maltese Falcon Film Analysis drugging of Spade, as well as the use of Wilmer to push Spade around in spite of how ineffectual Wilmer turns out to beand the pointing of guns at Spade show clearly how unequal Gutman regards Spade as a business partner.

These suggestions, and the angry reactions they get, further show the growth of mutual alienation going around, all because of the power of that black enamelled commodity.

Book Report on “The Maltese Falcon”

Gutman has taken it to see what Spade will do, then he gives it back. Just as she has had her coverings removed to find nothing of monetary value, so has the black bird. Hence, the two black birds of this story. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the woman.]

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