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Gentrification Explained The Importance Of Gentrification

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The Importance Of Gentrification

Much needed investment and newcomers do not equal These people are usually demographically different than the prevailing make up of the neighborhood they move into. I draw this comparison not to smugly shoot down the popular narrative of what gentrification looks like, but to show that higher income groups moving into lower income neighborhoods is not inherently a problem.

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Higher income residents both invest in, and draw investment to, the neighborhoods they live in. Save it in Journal. Unlike an SUV designed for 5 people, where maybe 7 can fit if laps and smushing are involved, our places can support more than a fixed quantity of people. Buildings can cluster closer together, rise up, expand out, or burrow down.

The Importance Of Gentrification

There is room enough for all to share. In fact, mixing of previously disparate groups is a good thing. The inverse, segregation, has led to disinvestment, impoverishment, and a generational restriction of upward mobility for the most marginalized groups.

Gentrification As A Process : Progress Vs. Culture

When people of lower and higher income and lower and higher educational attainment here together, outcomes improve for the poorer and less educated. As important as economic improvement in demographic shifts is mitigating the less quantifiable terrors of living in a society that otherizes based on race, religion, or class. Slotting people into constrained areas by demographic composition has proven to have disastrous consequences time and again throughout history. Empirically, this is as foolish as it is amoral.

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Neighborhoods have evolved over the The Importance Of Gentrification of history, agnostic to who their residents were. When my grandfather grew up in pre-war Jewish Williamsburg, the area was only a somewhat less densely packed retreat from the slums of the Lower East Side. It evolved into a predominantly Hispanic neighborhood, before gentrifying into the area it is today. Outsiders must do better than perversely romanticizing stratified neighborhoods by telling their residents what they need to look like, and who needs to live there. Internal autonomy is critical. Higher investment, better economic opportunities, and demographic diversity Tye good things.

The Importance Of Gentrification

This analysis, while true, is as reductive as it is incomplete. Any conversation surrounding gentrification must be placed within its historical context: most gentrifying areas in American cities are home to Gentrifkcation income and marginalized groups, who have remained or been trapped in their neighborhoods source processes like redlining and institutionalized racism.

Beginning in the early 20th century and picking up with earnest The Importance Of Gentrification the post-war period, white flight and the twin swords of urban renewal and highway development eviscerated entire swathes of cities. Dirt lots, abandoned buildings, and crime became calling cards for these areas — the natural result of deprivation of opportunity, severing of community ties and disconnection to a broader Imortance.

For decades, marginalized groups lived beyond the gaze of their city governments. Left to fend for themselves in dealing with the externalities of actions foisted upon them, with no voice or capital to fight back, neighborhoods degraded into a vicious cycle.

The Importance Of Gentrification

At the turn of the 21st century, areas with close proximity to jobs and Improtance urban amenities became desirable to wealthier groups. Gradual structural neighborhood level improvement was propped up by outside investment: the beginning of modern gentrification. These areas became safer, became home to more amenities, housed more people than in decades prior, and offered job opportunities in retail and commercial sectors. As gains compounded on gains, the vicious cycles of disinvestment and decay flipped to become virtuous cycles of investment and improving quality of neighborhood life. As development pressures mount and land becomes more expensive, however, existing members of newly desirable places find themselves boxed out from the growth occurring around The Importance Of Gentrification.

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If they rent their homes, landlords can choose not to renew their leases, subsequently renovate the units, and raise prices so they become prohibitively expensive to neighborhood residents. Even homeowners find themselves unable to remain in place as increased assessments from higher land prices translate into overly burdensome property taxes. In both of these cases, existing residents do not get to take advantage of the improvements in their neighborhoods.]

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