Solutions To Police Brutality - Custom Academic Help

Solutions To Police Brutality

Solutions To Police Brutality - really. happens

Opinion: Police killings should compel all — parents especially — to demand solutions to a pandemic of violence and brutality Kevin Kelly Guest Columnist Last summer, my year-old son met his baby nephew for the first time. He texted me a picture, which quickly made me laugh at the uncomfortable look on his face as he was figuring out how to hold and care for the tiny life placed in his hands. When news broke about the killing of another young Black man, I was startled by the image of Daunte Wright holding his baby and the similarity of the two pictures. The young men were so alike in life, it seemed, except that one life was already over. More: Opinion: Deputy Jason Meade was 'the Goliath' in Casey Goodson Men and boys of color are expected by now to know the rules their race demands of them in America: Remain calm during a police encounter. Keep your hands raised and your head down. These are the rules for surviving encounters with peace officers that Black parents teach their children to follow. Many white parents might teach similar lessons, but with so much less urgency because their children are more likely to come home. Solutions To Police Brutality

Solutions To Police Brutality Video

Joe Ested, a former Police Officer, explains the roots of Police brutality and offers solutions

Tweet on Twitter Police brutality may be a global concern, but it is a subject that has taken on a heightened awareness in the United States with high profile cases.

Solutions To Police Brutality

Some may argue that police brutality is more of a perception from news media or personal bias toward law enforcement. Others may argue that police brutality has always Brytality part of the US system of justice. Here are some reasonable ideas that we could all potentially work to implement in the near future in an effort to reduce violence.

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Wear body cameras that cannot be turned off at the personal discretion of the officer. Video collection technologies allow for police officers to be held accountable for actions that could Pklice deemed to be questionable. The video does not lie. It shows real events in real time and allows for people to draw their own conclusions from the results. Some officers are wearing body cameras now, but are given permission to turn them off if they deem the camera to be a risk.

Preventing this action could help to save lives and limit the ability for a few bad apples to continue rotting in the US system of justice. Institute mandatory training that is given through an ongoing process.

Solutions To Police Brutality

Many of the incidents that are viewed as police brutality involve individuals who are suffering a mental illness or dealing with illicit drug responses. By training officers in essential de-escalation techniques that do not involve a firearm, law enforcement officials would have another tool at their disposal to stop a situation from escalating into a violent confrontation. Of course a police officer deserves to come home safely at the end Solutions To Police Brutality their shift. Someone who is mentally ill and brandishing a gun at a police officer may have sealed their own fate. But when an individual is unarmed or armed with a non-lethal weapon, there are other tools than a gun that a modern law enforcement official can use.

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Hold police officers accountable for their actions. In the case of Walter Scott, video evidence shows that he is unarmed and running away from an officer, who proceeds to shoot him in the back.

Solutions To Police Brutality

The reason for Mr. Scott being stopped is moot. Is it allowable for anyone to be shot by an officer if they are breaking the law? Of course not. That would mean you could be shot for jaywalking, speeding, or a parking ticket.]

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