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Socioeconomic Status Research Paper

Abstract Educational attainment and income are among major socioeconomic status SES indicators that are inversely associated with cigarette smoking. The aim is to test whether racial and ethnic differences exist in the effects of educational attainment and income on cigarette smoking of middle-aged and older American adults. This is a year longitudinal study Socioeconomic Status Research Paper data from the Health and Retirement Study HRSa nationally representative study of middle-aged and older adults in the US. The independent variables were educational attainment and income.

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The dependent variables were always smoking and being quitters over the follow-up time. Age, gender, self-rated health, and chronic medical conditions were the covariates. Logistic regressions were used to analyze the data. In the United States, middle-aged and older Hispanic adults remain at high risk of smoking cigarettes despite high educational attainment. Violation Theory Expectancy is, high educational attainment may better help non-Hispanic than Hispanic middle-aged and older adults to avoid cigarette smoking. As a result, we may observe a more than expected burden of tobacco use in middle class Hispanic middle-aged and older adults.

Policymakers should not reduce racial and ethnic tobacco inequalities to SES gap, as ethnic tobacco disparities may persist in high SES levels as well. Journal of Biosciences and Medicines, 9, Introduction Although there has been some major decline in the prevalence of tobacco use in the US, cigarette smoking is still the leading preventable cause of morbidity and mortality in this country [1] [2] [3]. Each year, aboutAmericans die from illnesses that are due to tobacco use. In addition, more than 16 million Americans suffer from diseases Socioeconomic Status Research Paper are caused Socioeconomic Status Research Paper smoking [4].


The burden of tobacco use, however, is not randomly distributed in the US [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]. Despite the enormous progress that has been achieved in reducing the overall tobacco-related morbidity and mortality, tobacco use has shown a considerable shift from mainstream to a concentrated public health challenge that mainly affects marginalized populations defined by socioeconomic status SESrace, and ethnicity [11].

Socioeconomic Status Research Paper

Such social disparities threaten the progress that the US has already made in its tobacco control [11]. Racial and ethnic minorities [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] and low SES individuals [12] [13] [14] bear the Socioeconomi majority of tobacco burden in the US. Some evidence suggests that SES disparities in tobacco use have increased [14] [15] [16].

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For example, racial, ethnic, and low SES individuals are targets of predatory tobacco marketing [17] [18] [19]. Low SES individuals, as well Socioeconomic Status Research Paper racial and ethnic minorities, are more frequently exposed to environmental risk factors of tobacco use including but not limited to retail display, coupon, discount, and point-of-sale advertisement [20]. Recent research on Marginalization-related Diminished Returns MDRs has proposed a new mechanism for Statuz and ethnic health disparities in the US [24] [25]. That is, SES indicators more info not similarly protect various ethnic groups, and racial and ethnic minorities tend to remain at a higher risk of poor health outcomes [24] [25].

Socioeconomic Status Research Paper

Finally, this model suggests that the elimination of racial and ethnic health disparities is beyond equalizing SES.]

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