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. Section 8 Short Story.

Sylvia Plath was born on October 27,in BostonMassachusetts. While living Shrot Winthrop, eight-year-old Plath published her first poem in the Boston Herald 's children's section. He had become ill shortly after a close friend died of lung cancer. Comparing the similarities between his friend's symptoms Section 8 Short Story his own, Otto became convinced that he, too, had lung cancer and did not seek treatment until his diabetes had progressed too far.

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Raised as a Unitarian Sdction, Plath experienced a loss of faith after her father's death and remained ambivalent about religion throughout her life. A visit to her father's grave later prompted Plath to write the poem "Electra on Azalea Path". She excelled academically, and wrote to her mother. While at Smith, she lived in Lawrence House, and a plaque can be Section 8 Short Story outside her old room. She edited The Smith Review. After her third year of college, Plath was awarded a coveted position as a guest editor at Mademoiselle magazine, during which she spent a month in New York City. She was furious at not being at a meeting the editor had arranged with Welsh poet Dylan Thomas —a writer whom she loved, said one of her boyfriends, "more than life itself.

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A few weeks later, she slashed her legs to see if she had enough "courage" to kill herself. Plath seemed to make a good recovery and returned to college. At Newnham, she studied with Dorothea Krookwhom she held in high regard.

Section 8 Short Story

I went to this little celebration and that's actually where we met Then we saw a great deal of each other. Ted Shhort back to Cambridge and suddenly we found ourselves getting married a few months later We kept writing poems to each other. Then it just grew out of that, I guess, a feeling that we both were writing so much and having such a fine time doing it, we decided that this should keep on.

Plath returned to Newnham in October to begin her second year. She found it difficult to both teach and have enough time and energy to write, [19] and in the middle ofthe couple moved to Boston. Plath took a job Section 8 Short Story a receptionist in the psychiatric unit of Massachusetts General Hospital and in the evening sat in on creative writing seminars given by poet Robert Lowell also attended by the writers Anne Sexton Stoy George Starbuck. She openly discussed her depression with Lowell and Automobiles In America suicide attempts with Sexton, who led her to write from a more female perspective.

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Plath began to consider herself as a more serious, focused poet and short-story writer. Merwinwho admired their work and was to remain a lifelong friend. Plath says that it was here that she learned "to be true to my own weirdnesses", but she remained anxious Section 8 Short Story writing confessionally, from deeply personal and private material. Nicholas was born in January Hughes was immediately struck with the beautiful Assia, as she was with him. In JulyPlath discovered Hughes had been having an affair with Assia Wevill and in September the couple separated.

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William Butler Yeats once lived in the house, which bears an English Heritage blue plaque for the Irish poet. Plath was pleased by this fact and considered it a good omen. The northern winter of — was one of the continue reading in years; the pipes froze, the children—now two years old and nine months—were often sick, and the house had no telephone. Her only novel, The Bell Jarwas published in Januaryunder the pen name Victoria Lucas, and Section 8 Short Story met with critical indifference. In JunePlath drove her car off the side of the road, into a river, which she later said was an attempt to take her own life. She described the current depressive episode she was experiencing; it had been ongoing for six or seven months.]

Section 8 Short Story

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