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Romanticism In Oliver Twist Romanticism In Oliver Twist. Romanticism In Oliver Twist

Travolta and John look great together. There is a fried chicken eating moment during the montage.

Romanticism In Oliver Twist

I like to think Scatman's character is the ghost of his character from The Shining thus making this an unofficial sequel. This script is pretty bad, but I'm willing to bet Travolta would do any job after he made Moment By Moment. A Life Less Ordinary did this movie better.

Romanticism In Oliver Twist

And with Two of a Kind he ensured his trajectory continued — at speed. In this film, his next misbegotten venture, he banked on the genuine chemistry between himself and Olivia Newton John to revive his ailing box office fortunes. Any half-baked nonsense would Olivee elevated just by having the two of them together on screen.


About the time its raw ingredients were bubbling around the prehistoric primal soup of life. There are images and there is dialogue and movement, yet these never cohere into anything resembling sense. In other words, spew of a kind. This movie came out when I was 9, and I was deliriously excited.

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The soundtrack was a big hit, and holds up, in my opinion. At least it has a good soundtrack. And this movie At that point I had to see it.]

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