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Richard M. Nixon Summary - are

His mother was a Quaker , and his father converted from Methodism to the Quaker faith. His brother Donald is to his right. Nixon's upbringing was marked by evangelical Quaker observances of the time such as refraining from alcohol, dancing, and swearing. Nixon had four brothers: Harold — , Donald — , Arthur — , and Edward — In an area with many Quakers, Frank Nixon opened a grocery store and gas station. With a family history of tuberculosis , he was forbidden to play sports. Eventually, the spot was found to be scar tissue from an early bout of pneumonia. Later, he lived with an aunt in Fullerton during the week. Lynn Sheller. Richard M. Nixon Summary Richard M. Nixon Summary.

Plot[ edit ] Inyear-old Philadelphia resident Sam Bicke Sean Penn is a down on his luck salesman who desperately wishes to reconcile with his estranged wife Marie Naomi Watts.

Richard M. Nixon Summary

A constant moralizer, he states that he stopped working at the tire shop owned by his brother Julius Michael Wincott because he would lie to his customers. Believing that society's discrimination affects poor white people just as much as it does blackshe attempts to join the Black Panthers.

Richard M. Nixon Summary

His dream Ricahrd to own his own mobile tire sales business in partnership with his best friend, African-American mechanic Bonny Don Cheadle. He finds employment at an office furniture retail business, where his new boss Jack Jack Thompson gives him patronizing advice, while his awkwardness makes him a poor salesman.

Jack describes US president Richard Nixon as the greatest salesman in history, because his election promise in was to exit the Vietnam Waryet to Nxion the president massively increased troop numbers only South Vietnamese forces increased, the US steadily declined its forces from 3 months before office with Johnson's approvalcoasting to win an easy re-election in on the promise of ending the same war. Bicke becomes increasingly disillusioned with his status in society.

Richard M. Nixon Summary

He applies for a government loan to set up the business with Bonny, and he frantically waits for an answer in the mail. His sales figures continue to deteriorate, and Jack, who only hires married salesmen, becomes to suspect Sam lied about his marriage.

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In fact, Marie keeps rebutting all of Sam's awkward attempts at reconciling, and later sends him a divorce decree, leaving him weeping in despair. Shortly afterwards, he deliberately tanks a sale and quits his job. Ultimately, the loan is rejected, his rent is past due, and his brother Julius reveals he had to see more out Bonny, who was arrested for receiving stolen goods, and is now done entirely with his Richard M.

Nixon Summary, hypocritical brother. A broken Sam begins obsessing more and more about Nixon. One night, after Summady a news story about a helicopter pilot who did a fly-by around the White House and got arrested, he begins putting together a plan to hijack a passenger airliner and crash it into the White House.

In the two weeks leading to his action, he records a message detailing his intentions and state of mind and addressed to Leonard Bernsteinwhom he greatly admires. Sam liquidates his bank account, steals Article source gun, and heads to a Richard M.

Nixon Summary where Jack is dining. He aims the gun at Jack under the table, but cannot pull the trigger and flees. He goes to his and Marie's old house and sleeps in the empty home, then shoots and kills the family dog. The next morning, he drives to the Baltimore—Washington International Airport with the gun concealed against his leg and a suitcase full of gasoline.

After mailing his confession to Bernstein, he plans to wait in line to board a flight, but seeing the security procedures are more thorough than expected, he panics and rushes on board, shooting a cop as he goes. Once on board he haphazardly shoots one pilot in the head and the other in shoulder, then finds a passenger to act as co-pilot. However, he is shot through a window by an intervening policeman, but commits suicide before he could be killed or arrested. The day's events are shown Richard M. Nixon Summary TV, though neither Bonny nor Marie appear to react to the mention of Sam's name.]

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