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Rennie In John Steinbecks Close To The Heel

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Secrets of the Heel 2:

Machine Gun Btry.

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D, 30th Div. Entered service July 25th,at Waynesville. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Mills.

Rennie In John Steinbecks Close To The Heel

Sailed for France May 11th, Promoted to rank of Corpl. March, ; Sergt. March, Fought at Ypres, St. Quentin, Bellicourt, and all other engagements of his company.

Ramadan Quotes

Returned to U. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April, Graham Transcribed by Keith Redmon. Adams, of Pender Co. Artillery, Batter C, 76th Division, nd regiment.

Rennie In John Steinbecks Close To The Heel

Sent to Camp Jackson, S. Transferred to Camp Hill, Va. Sent over sea to France. Fought at St. April 2,from Poliac, France, on U. Santa Rosa and landed at Boston, Mass. Mustered out at Camp Lee. Born in Durham, N. Husband of Mrs. Entered the service May 23,at Durham, N. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. Transferred to Jackson Barracks, click Orleans, La. Mustered out at Camp Beauregard, May 29, Born in Orange County; the son of Mr. Entered the service May 25,at Hillsboro, N. Sailed for France in August, Mihiel, Meuse, Argonne, Sedan.

Rennie In John Steinbecks Close To The Heel

Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va. Was with Army Occupation eight months. Engineers, Co.]

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