Personal Values: The Definition Of Cultural Norm - Custom Academic Help

Personal Values: The Definition Of Cultural Norm - are mistaken

Culture A system of values and norms that are shared among a group of people and that when taken together constitute a design for living. Values Abstract ideas about what a society believes to be good, right, and desirable. Norms Social rules and guidelines that prescribe appropriate behavior in particular situations. Society Group of people who share a common set of values and norms. Chapter Four Differences in Culture 93 marriage, and so on. Values are not just abstract concepts; they are invested with considerable emotional significance. People argue, fight, and even die over values such as free- dom. Values are also often reflected in the political and eco- nomic systems of a society. As we saw in Chapter 2, democratic free market capitalism is a reflection of a philo- sophical value system that emphasizes individual freedom. Norms can be subdivided further into two major categories: folkways and mores.

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Norms and Values

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Scholarly Activity and culture in terms of norms Uncategorized Unit II Scholarly Activity This unit asks you to think about your own culture in terms of norms, values, beliefs, and behaviors. The unit also asksyou to think about those agents of socialization most closely related to various aspects of culture. For this assignment,you are asked to think about the same issues they apply to another culture.

Personal Values: The Definition Of Cultural Norm

Don't use plagiarized sources. Go online to research this group and answer the following questions abouttheir culture and socialization. In a paragraph, introduce your culture.

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Be sure to give the location of the group, why you chose the group, andwhat you hope to learn. In one to two paragraphs, describe three interesting aspects about this culture. Choose something about theireveryday life folkwaysomething about their religion valueand something about their biggest taboo more. Discuss the agents of socialization involved in the transmission of the three interesting aspects you chose.

Personal Values: The Definition Of Cultural Norm

Finally, how does each of these aspects affect the development of self for members of the group? Be sure to think and write sociologically, using correct terminology and being objective.

Personal Values: The Definition Of Cultural Norm

Your paper must be at least onepage in length, double-spaced, using Times New Roman pt. Use the indicated rubric to guide your work. Useappropriate APA in-text citations and provide a reference page.]

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