Minimum Wage Research Paper - Custom Academic Help

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The minimum wage in the U. Many people argue that we should be careful about sharp increases in the minimum wage because of the resulting inflation higher labor costs equal higher consumer prices and layoffs. Others believe that the minimum wage is too low to support families and should be raised to keep up with the cost of living. Take one side of the issue, and argue for it with strong supporting facts or reasons. Support your response with examples from your experiences, observations, or readings. Order a Similar plagiarism free essay. Order now by clicking the link below: Setup the Number of pages specify the deadline. Minimum Wage Research Paper. Minimum Wage Research Paper

The Federal Minimum Wage Should Have Negative Effects On Employment

The Employment Effects of the Minimum Wage Uncategorized 2 papers as agreed The paper must be typed and double-spaced in point font with normal one-inch margins, in which case a 2, word document will be approximately 8. Don't use plagiarized Do not list items that are not cited in the Minimum Wage Research Paper. Use a consistent style of footnotes, endnotes or textual references to cite sources. The List of References itself, of course, does not count toward the 2, words.

Minimum Wage Research Paper

The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate your ability to apply price theory to explain some interesting attributes of any chosen industry or to understand the effects of some public policy. Below are three suggested topics for your paper, together with suggested information sources on each.

Minimum Wage Research Paper

These suggested topics are intended to be merely illustrative: you do not need to write on any of them. However, you can pick one of these topics if you wish, or choose a topic of your own.

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However, you must cite at least two sources in your paper. While it is acceptable to refer to newspaper or magazine stories a magazine that is particularly helpful in providing topical news coverage of these issues is The Economist, www.

Minimum Wage Research Paper

Again, remember to clearly reference any sources that you use. If you choose a topic of your own, instead of one of those given below, it would be a good idea to clear it with me first, to make sure that the subject matter is appropriate and feasible. In this case you will be primarily responsible for finding sources of information on your topic, although you can certainly ask me for help during office hours. The textbook may be a useful source for your paper, especially in providing the analytical tools you will probably need. Although it is fine to cite Researcn from the textbook, the textbook does not count as one of the Minimum Wage Research Paper scholarly sources you are required to use.

Topic 1: Is Microsoft a Monopoly?

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Microsoft has been the subject of antitrust litigation in both the U. Some economists have argued, however, that the rapid pace of innovation in the information and communications technology industry, as well as the unwillingness of users to abandon older software platforms, mean that Microsoft actually has considerably less market power than it might at first seem. Discuss the arguments for or against regulating Microsoft as a monopoly you click the following article take either position, or critically evaluate claims from both PPaper. Sources for Topic 1: Shughart, William F. Gilbert, Richard J. Liebowitz, Stan J. Topic 2: Intellectual Property Rights Intellectual property rights IPRs — such as patents Minimum Wage Research Paper scientific innovations and performance rights for artists — are protected in order to ensure that producers have sufficient incentive to invest in the creation of new products that benefit consumers.

But new technologies and globalization have made the protection of some IPRs extremely costly. Developing countries, in particular, face a difficult decision in determining how much resources to spend on protecting IPRs. Some analysts argue Minimum Wage Research Paper a cost-benefit calculation should determine which IPRs are worth protecting and the extent and type of protection that Paped socially efficient. Discuss the social benefits and costs of protecting IPRs. Sources for Topic 2: Kobayashi, Bruce H. Maskus, Keith E. Maskus, eds.

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Topic 3: The Read more Effects of the Minimum Wage Traditionally, economists have Minimum Wage Research Paper that imposing a minimum wage above the market clearing equilibrium wage will reduce employment and contribute to increased unemployment particularly among young and relatively unskilled workers — precisely those workers that the minimum wage is intended to help. Some economists, however, Wagd claimed that there is no evidence of a significant employment-reducing impact of the minimum wage on low-wage workers and that, in some cases, an increase in the minimum wage might even have caused an increase in employment.

Critically evaluate these competing arguments on the effects of the minimum wage on employment.]

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