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Fictional biography[ edit ] Walter Kurtz was a career officer in the United States Army; he was a third-generation West Point graduate who had risen through the ranks and was seen to be destined for a top post within the Pentagon.

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A dossier Analysks by the narrator, Malon Brando Character Analysis Willardimplies that Kurtz saw action in the Korean War after receiving a master's degree in history from Harvard University. His Malon Brando Character Analysis critical report, dated 3 Marchwas not what was expected and was immediately restricted for the Joint Chiefs and President Lyndon B. Johnson only. On 11 May, 28 August, and 23 Septemberyear-old Kurtz applied for Special Forceswhich was denied out of hand because his age was too advanced for Special Forces training. Kurtz continued with his ambition and even threatened to quit the armed forces, when finally his wish was granted and he was allowed to take the airborne course.

Kurtz graduated in a Analyysis where he was nearly twice the age of the other trainees and was accepted into the Special Forces Training, and eventually into the 5th Special Forces Group. Kurtz returned to Vietnam in with the Green Berets and was part of the hearts and minds campaignwhich also included fortifying hamlets. Kurtz located his army, including their wives and children, at a remote abandoned Cambodian temple which Kurtz's team fortified.

How did Marlon Brando die?

Kurtz employed barbaric methods not only to defeat his enemy but also to send fear. This soon changed when Kurtz allowed photographs of his atrocities to be released to the world. Either because he was brainwashed or because he felt a sympathy towards Kurtz's cause, Colby joined up with Kurtz instead of bringing him back to Da Nang. Willard, a paratrooper and Army intelligence officer, to journey up the Nung river and kill Kurtz. Willard succeeded in his mission only because Kurtz, himself broken mentally by the savage war he had waged, wanted Willard to kill him and release him from his own suffering.

Kurtz also murdered Jay "Chef" Hicks by severing his head. Before Willard killed him, Kurtz asked Willard to find Kurtz's wife and son, and explain truthfully to them Malon Brando Character Analysis he had done in the war. Personality[ edit ] Well, you see Willard, in this war, things get confused out there: power, ideals, the old morality, practical military necessity. But out there with these natives, it must be a temptation to be god, because there's a conflict in every human heart, between the rational and the irrational, between good and evil, and good does not always triumph. Sometimes, the dark side overcomes what Lincoln called the better angels of our nature.

Every man has got a breaking point. You and I have one. Walter Kurtz has reached his, and very obviously, he has gone insane Corman describing Solitude In Shelleys Frankenstein to Willard, Apocalypse Now Ever since he was in the US Army, Kurtz was always a patriotic soldier for his nation, thinking on how to achieve victory in the Vietnam War by Malon Brando Character Analysis kind of means. Seemingly a kindhearted man, Kurtz eventually reached his "breaking point" according to Gen. Corman's words.

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This point led him to betray the US Army following his dismissal, yet, he Malon Brando Character Analysis a career-full soldier, fully serving his nation in any means. However, his breaking point led him to become a completely cold, psychopathic, maniacal and above all manipulative individual, aiming to use his "unsound" methods to make sure his nation would win the war, even though he was using those methods to brutally torture Vietnamese people, nearly to death, yet, he was not a sadist but a bold individual, using his boldness to ensure USA's triumph.

General Corman describes Kurtz to have originally been a good man, the kind of person who is filled with kindness including the capability of seeing the Characyer between good and evil.

Malon Brando Character Analysis

Often ruthless, Kurtz has an extremely complex personality, that of which is nearly inexplainable. When he rose to power as the "God-King" of the Montagnards, Kurtz was Malon Brando Character Analysis truly like a godlike king, using his extensive military training to form an army of followers and soldiers around him, eventually becoming a philosopher of war, reading poetry and quotes from the Holy Bible, leading him to be seen as truly insane.

Malon Brando Character Analysis

The photojournalist "Jack" is the first American to meet Kurtz after his transformation into a crazed megalomaniac, yet he describes him as a great man, and, as a man who reads poetry "out loud". His ruthless nature can be seen in photos presented to Willard, in which Kurtz Malon Brando Character Analysis used his own men to kill or torture Vietnamese people, however, his truly ruthless nature comes to Analtsis when he tortures Willard physically by capturing him at a bamboo-like prison booth, as well as mentally by showing him the decapitated head of his friend Chef, whom he had killed.

Malon Brando Character Analysis

He would send these ears back to his superiors as proof of his efforts deep inside Laos. Rheaultwhose arrest for the murder of a suspected double agent generated substantial news coverage. He claimed, "American generals don't have those kinds of names. Link have flowery names, from the South. I want to be 'Colonel Leighley'.]

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