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Malcolm X Reflection

Malcolm X Reflection - simply

As I scrolled through Twitter, I saw posts of Black people and our allies gathering to celebrate her life and fight for justice. In Louisville, protestors took to the streets to demand police reform. People in Washington, D. Blige song. I sat quietly thinking about her life and how she — or Sandra Bland or Tanisha Anderson — could easily have been me. As a teenager, my grandmother worked as one of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. She often tells me stories of the National Guard occupying Black neighborhoods in Cleveland, Black Clevelanders avoiding Little Italy out of fear of being lynched, and her work for voter education. In many ways it does not seem like much has changed since my grandmother was young. Malcolm X Reflection

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In light of Rflection History month coming to a close this Sunday, I thought it pertinent to reflect on Malcolm's story. All Americans can and should learn from the emotional and philosophical lessons it teaches. Surrounding the house, brandishing their shotguns Malcolm X Reflection rifles, they shouted for my father to come out. Often juxtaposed with his non-violent counterpart Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Kennedy's assassination. He described it as a case of "the chickens coming home to roost.

Malcolm X Reflection

In his autobiography, Reflectiin says orthodox Islam provided "the insight and perspective to see that the black men and white men truly could be brothers. His fearless passion was exemplified by his direct personal following of non-Muslim African Americans, who at first starkly rejected his Malcolm X Reflection teachings of Islam and black solidarity.

After Malcolm led Muslims in a dramatic protest of police over the beating of a fellow Muslim brother, "All of Harlem [saw] how from then on, the police gave Muslims respect," Malcolm describes in his autobiography. Malcolm's growing fame as a black Muslim leader threatened Elijah Muhammad, prophet of the Nation of Roberto Clemente.

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Malcolm later learned that Malcolm X Reflection Muslim brothers put out death threats for him, leading him to cut ties from his once loyal church. Even in his criminal years Malcolm X Reflection Boston and Harlem where he was involved in drug dealing, gambling, racketeering, robbery and steering prostitutes, he was a fearless leader that commanded respect and attention. To show that he was not afraid to die, he pointed a revolver with a single bullet to his head in front of his criminal cohort and repeatedly pulled the trigger Russian roulette style. Alex Haley, Malcolm's collaborator on the autobiography, admits in the epilogue that when Malcolm was proofreading the manuscript he admitted that he palmed the bullet and staged the act to scare them into obedience.

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Malcolm was a man of his element, a product of his environment. When he decided to do something, he did it unsparingly, and though the image of Malcolm in this criminal context appears vicious, he carried the same passion and daringness with his education and spiritual practices Retlection in prison. Malcolm should not be remembered for his radical views against white America. If he was radical, it was because he saw the other Malcolm X Reflection failing. Malcolm rose to prominence, ultimately, because he understood the people he needed to reach and was a man of many faces.

Malcolm X Reflection

He lived on the streets as a hustler and understood the people; he lived in the rural Midwest and understood the Malcolm X Reflection he went to prison and understood the system. He rose to fame as a spiritual leader and revolutionary for black's rights and grew to understand politics and the elite class. Malcolm should be remembered for his great sacrifice in exposing meaningful truth to help destroy the malignant racism Malcolk has plagued American history.

Gary Iribarren is a senior English major.]

Malcolm X Reflection

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