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Love Talk Video Analysis

I'm happily married to a wonderful woman who knows I'm bi, and while we're presently monogamous, we've talked about opening things up in the future.

Love Talk Video Analysis

If that happens, I'd like to casually hook up with a guy once in a while, but I'm a little anxious about gay hookup culture. Will a lot of guys dismiss me for being bi or married? I assume biphobia is more of an issue when looking for a relationship, rather than a hookup, but I dunno.

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If I meet a guy and we're going to fuck, is it weird to bring up condoms? I know: I shouldn't be afraid to ask to use a condom, Lovve if someone can't respect that, I shouldn't fuck him. I'm not and I won't. But will most guys be a little surprised, especially with PrEP these days? On that note, should I ask my doctor about PrEP when all I want is a very occasional fuck maybe a few times a year with someone I've vetted and trust about their HIV-negative or undetectable status? I want to be safe, but I don't want to put superfluous meds in my body. Is the "top shortage" Love Talk Video Analysis read about a few times a real thing?

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Are a lot of guys strictly tops or bottoms? And is there anything else I should know before hopping on the apps? Yes, straight biphobia is less gallingly hypocritical, I will grant you, but it does more harm; research has shown that having a biphobic straight spouse is the single biggest risk factor for poor mental health outcomes among bisexuals. So I'm happy to hear that your Love Talk Video Analysis accepts your bisexuality, WANNABI, and I'm going to apologize in advance for the biphobia you'll encounter from go here dumb gay men. You also shouldn't assume the men you meet on "gay" hookup apps are gay; some will be bisexual, just like you. And while biphobic gay men get all the press, WANNABI, there are lots of biphilic gay men out there—that is, Love Talk Video Analysis men who are really into married "straight" men.

If you don't wanna hide the wife and don't wanna wind up with a FWB who wants you to leave the wife for him, finding guys who are actually turned on by the fact that you have a wife at home is not a bad strategy.

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But you can use PrEP without taking it daily if you're having sex with other men once or twice a year and you're making those sex dates at least a few days in advance. Intermittent or "on-demand" use of PrEP is highly effective; take two pills 24 hours before you have sex and one pill a day for two days afterwards. Not all gay and bi men are into anal sex or into anal sex with casual partners, WANNABI, and while most of the men I've encountered—most of the men I've encountered the shit out of—were functionally versatile, there do seem to be more bottoms out there than tops. Not that "bottom" and "top" are static identities; a guy who'll bottom for you might be more comfortable topping for someone else, a guy who enjoys bottoming when he's younger might enjoy topping more later in Love Talk Video Analysis and vice-versa, etc.

Love Talk Video Analysis

Some guys will lie to get in your pants or in your ass or on your dick or on your face. I'm a gay male in his mid 40s living in a rainy city.

Love Talk Video Analysis

I met and fell for a recently divorced guy with a few teen kids.]

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