Jeannette Rankins Accomplishments - Custom Academic Help

Jeannette Rankins Accomplishments - with you

This paper will examine a small little town in Montana called Helena and will show how different populations can be. Community Demographics Helena Montana has a population of about 29, people. It lies in a beautiful valley surrounded by the Rocky Mountain Range, which is a natural boundary. Helena is the capital of Montana, so I would say it is distinct. Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States and a creator of the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson was a philosopher, politician, scientist, architect, inventor, musician, and writer. Thomas Jefferson was also one of the smartest leaders in history. His father was named Peter Jefferson, a very rich Farmer from Virginia. It provides a variety of different fields to study, it offers an excellent education at a fair price, and has amazing organizations for students to join in a beautiful location. Mizzou stands in the city of Columbia, which is located near the middle of Missouri. Jeannette Rankins Accomplishments Jeannette Rankins Accomplishments

She is a former faculty member of the Humanist Institute. Jone Johnson Lewis Updated November 06, Jeannette Rankin was a social reformer, woman suffrage activist, and pacifist who became the first American woman ever elected to Congress on November Jeannette Rankins Accomplishments, In that term, she voted against U. She later served a second term and voted against U. Her father John Rankin was a rancher, developer, and lumber merchant in Montana. Her mother, Olive Pickering, was a former school teacher. She spent her first years on the ranch, then moved with the family to Missoula.

A Social Worker in Helena Montana Essay

She was the oldest of 11 children, seven of whom survived childhood. She worked as a school teacher and seamstress and studied furniture design, looking for some work to which she could commit herself.

Jeannette Rankins Accomplishments

Accomplihsments When her father died inhe left money to Rankin to be paid out over her lifetime. On a long trip to Boston in to visit her brother Jeannette Rankins Accomplishments Harvard, she was inspired by slum conditions to take up the new field of social work. She returned to the west to become a social worker in Spokane, Washington, in a children's home.

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Social work did not, however, hold her interest long—she only lasted a few weeks at the children's home. Jeannette Rankin and Women's Rights Next, Rankin studied at the University of Washington in Seattle and became involved in the woman suffrage movement in Jeannette Rankins Accomplishments Visiting Montana, Rankin became the first woman to speak before the Montana legislature, where she surprised the spectators and legislators alike click her speaking ability.

She organized and spoke for the Equal Franchise Society. Rankin then moved to New York and continued her work on behalf of women's rights. During these years, she began her lifelong relationship with Katherine Anthony.

Jeannette Rankins Accomplishments

Rankin and Anthony were among the thousands of suffragists at the suffrage march in Washington, D. Rankin returned to Montana to help organize the state's successful suffrage campaign in Working for Peace and Election to Congress As the war in Europe loomed, Rankin turned her attention to work for peace.

Inshe ran for one of the two Jeannette Rankins Accomplishments in Congress from Montana as a Republican. Her brother served as her campaign manager and helped finance the campaign. Jeannette Rankin won, Jeannette Rankins Accomplishments the papers first reported that she lost the election. Thus, Jeannette Rankin became the first woman elected to the U. Congress and the first woman elected to a national legislature in any western democracy.

Quick Facts

Rankin used her fame and notoriety in this "famous first" position to work for peace and women's rights. She was also an activist against child labor Jeannette Rankins Accomplishments wrote a weekly newspaper column. Only four days after taking office, Jeannette Rankin made history in continue reading another way: she voted against U. She violated protocol by speaking during the roll call before casting her vote, Jeannette Rankins Accomplishments "I want Jeajnette stand by my country, but I cannot vote for war. Rankin did vote later in her term for several pro-war measures, as well as working for political reforms including civil liberties, suffrage, birth control, equal pay, and child welfare. Inshe opened the congressional debate on the Susan B.

Anthony Amendment, which passed the House in and the Senate in It became the 19th Amendment after it was ratified. But Rankin's first anti-war vote sealed her political fate.]

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