Industrial Revolution Impact On Society - Custom Academic Help

Industrial Revolution Impact On Society - right! Idea

Read about the industrial revolution but without getting bored with all the details. This history book for kids effectively covers the major events from the early s to the s. The choice of words has been updated specifically for sixth graders. There are images too for a longer attention span. Grab a copy today.

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Industrial Revolution Impact On Society

Industrial Revolution Impact On Society - are

It brought about many important changes in the social, economic and political life of the people of England. The following were the important impacts of the Industrial Revolution. Social Impacts: The Renaissance which occurred at the beginning of the modern age in Europe initiated a new era by strengthening the middle-class values; even then, the middle-class could not exhibit its power in society for a long time. The Industrial Revolution expressed the power of the middle-class. The influence of scientists, skilled artisans and managers increased. If the French Revolution propagated the notions of personal liberty and equality, the Industrial Revolution of England made the creative use of personal liberty possible. The growing power of workers after the Industrial Revolution kindled social awareness which prompted people to raise the demand for human respect and fundamental rights. Industrial Revolution galvanized the process of urbanization. It also resulted in large-scale migration to these urban centres. Industrial Revolution Impact On Society. Industrial Revolution Impact On Society

The reason for Britain to be the primary site of the revolution is due to different geographical, political, economic and social factors and peculiarities. As we know, Britain is an island nation and has extensive natural resources like coal and iron.

Industrial Revolution Impact On Society

Britain had a monopoly over trades over sea and owned ports in Indushrial prime locations. The English citizens also enjoyed a better standard of living than the others around the globe. Political situations also favoured Britain to pave the way to the revolution. It, being a colonial economy, had capitalist visions and could hire better labourers in cheap. Before the onset of the revolution, the English farmers relied on manual work for production of food grains and on traditional farming methods like subsistence farming and two-crop rotation method.

The Industrial Revolution Impact On Society

The peasants were poorly paid for their manual work. From the beginning of the 16th century, the ownership of land saw a change. Landowners now wanted to gain total control of land that was earlier divided into different portions for labourers. An increase in land and labour productivity came along.

Industrial Revolution Impact On Society

InJethro Tull invented the seed drill, which could Societj used to sow seeds in the farm. This increased the production of food grains by almost five folds. Following this, different types of equipment like the Rotherham plough were invented and new production techniques, like four crop rotation system, were employed. This led to a huge increase in the yield of food grains produced in Britain. With the technological betterment of farming came the possibility of better diets, better health and an increase in population.

Primary Sidebar

As the population increased, more demand for food grains was raised. The agricultural sector kept seeing more and more technological advancements that led to a rapid increase in production. It also started agricultural trading with other countries of the continent, thus leading the country into a better financial position. The rise in population also meant an increase in demand for different other goods too. The country now was demanded to produce more output from the textile industry.]

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