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TOP 5 WAYS FOOTBALL CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE How Does Football Change My Life How Does Football Change My Life

Kids met some of their favorite legends for photos and autographs, received helmet fittings, and even got hands on with the ball during football clinics led by USA Football Master Trainers.

How Does Football Change My Life

As we approach the Super Bowl this coming weekend, it was an inspirational time where kids were connected with other members of the football community and parents had an opportunity to have real conversations with pros and former athletes to discuss everything from safety and athleticism to the life values this sport instills. But link journey to success was not easy.

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He recalls that his first experience with football as a high school student was filled with doubt, frustration, and fear. Ironically, his performance had little to do with his athleticism. You have to be able to communicate, listen, and take directions. As an athlete who currently holds the NFL records for touchdown receptions and total receiving yards, nobody anticipated that his proudest NFL moment was one of failure.

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It was his second year in the league and he recalled that he dropped 17 footballs…the most in the NFL that year. But that particular season changed everything in his life and he proudly bounced back from what many would have perceived to be a great failure. Then, work harder than everyone else on the team. He cited the example of Kobe Bryant as a player who would spend three hours working How Does Football Change My Life his skills as an athlete if he had a bad game. Identify your mistakes and weaknesses and make them strengths. Football is an incredible game, instilling important life lessons. Here are 5 ways football changes lives. As Gonzalez noted, the game is one that tests a player both physically and mentally. Football promotes teamwork. Each person on the team has a specific role, and they work together to accomplish one goal.

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No one athlete can accomplish that goal on their own, thus fostering teamwork aspects of communication, cooperation, and constructive criticism. Football encourages mastery. The game requires diligent practice.

How Does Football Change My Life

Consistency and repetition lead to mastery and perfection of their skills. Football promotes physical fitness. This sport requires endurance, speed, agility, strength, and hand-eye coordination. The practice required to achieve these physical goals promotes overall fitness. Football teaches children to overcome adversity.]

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